View Full Version : Help urinating

4th September 2008, 11:39 PM
I have to give urine samples for the job im now working at an i seem to have trouble giving them.

I really have to go but when im in the room i just cant. Is there any method that would help me go. I think its because im "tense" or having to pee under pressure.

Any ideas?

Thnaks JS

4th September 2008, 11:50 PM
This post is a prime candidate for the Out-of Topic forum.
For now I'm moving it to healing, which is the closest thing to fitting.

What you need to do is drink a quart of water (yes, a whole quart) before giving the sample. You will have to pee so bad you will hardly be able to hold it 'til the test.

5th September 2008, 12:15 AM
Ya i didnt really know where to move it.

But today i drank a lot an really had to go n still couldnt. is there like a breathin technique or something i could use

Thnaks JS

5th September 2008, 06:36 AM
Well, you can actually learn to control the muscles involved, and from there you can tense or relax them at will. (Doing exercises for the pelvic floor also has other interesting benefits, as well, and gender is not an issue, it's still good for you.)

That, however, isn't a short term solution, so in the meantime, what do you normally do to relax? Deep breathing might help. So might picturing a comfortable, relaxing place (your so-called "happy place" :)). It sort of depends on what is normally likely to trigger relaxation.

Palehorse Redivivus
8th September 2008, 02:30 AM
Try imagining the sound of a waterfall. This might have a dual effect, of taking your mind off the nervousness, and... I know whenever I've gotta go and there's running water anywhere nearby, it's maddening. :P

8th September 2008, 05:10 AM
Oh, the sound of running water always does it for me. My husband used to laugh at me when we'd go to give one or another of our kids a bath, because I'd start the water running and then have to call him to stay with the child because I needed to duck to the toilet (yes, the toilet is in a different room from the tub; very common in Australian houses).

So if you can turn on the sink, maybe that would help? The trick is to have a sort of stream of water, not a big blast of it.