View Full Version : Fear Of Death? (only projectors need to read)

4th September 2008, 11:52 AM
So from a person who is 'about' :roll: to astral project I'd like to ask a couple of simple questions of those who have projected...
Apart from the obvious in-built human fear of death,do you fear death anymore? and...
Do you 'know' or just believe after projecting we are immortal ?

p.s. I believe we are immortal but plan to know in the near future

4th September 2008, 12:11 PM
I don't fear death since projecting. I just fear the others that I love will die before I do! I want to be first.

4th September 2008, 01:12 PM
What Fish said.

4th September 2008, 01:39 PM
So that is basically the first question covered. :)
Maybe the second question is already covered by the first, BUT ,I need to read that you "KNOW" you are immortal ? (this is coming from a projection virgin remember)

And maybe a third question if I may. :wink:
Have you seen someone die and followed or interracted with the Spirit afterwards? (I know Monroe talked of this.)

4th September 2008, 01:41 PM
I did with my grandma. It's all in the last three or four pages of my journal. (I wouldn't want you to strain your eyes, but it is long). I'm waiting for the cue that it's ok to talk to her. (There is a 'waiting period' apparently).

4th September 2008, 02:07 PM
I did with my grandma. It's all in the last three or four pages of my journal. (I wouldn't want you to strain your eyes, but it is long). I'm waiting for the cue that it's ok to talk to her. (There is a 'waiting period' apparently).

I think it is truely amazing CFTraveler that you can confidently say something like this. :D Do you know where she is now? When you do get to 'talk' to her will you try and get a verification, like something you wouldn't know but your parent might know? The internet is the place where the 'awakening' has begun in my mind. :) I for one would have never ever known that this could be done.I would say the vast majority of the human race wouldn't know.
I know I am close to a projection but with 2 kids and no time before bed at night it may be harder for me than some.

4th September 2008, 02:18 PM
Sleep? Who needs sleep? :P

I haven't seen her or received the 'ok' yet, but when I do I'm not sure what to ask. I'll probably just be glad to see her, I love her a lot.

My grandfater has told me some stuff (he always appears to me in dreams when there's going to be arguments between certain members of my family) and my dad (who has been passed over for almost 20 years) also told me about some stuff that was going to happen).
However, I can never be 100% sure of anything, and don't claim that I believe this is proof of life after death.
One thing I found is the more I discover the more possibilities I discover there are, and the less sure of anything I am.
Not comforting, I'm sure, but I feel I have to be honest about this.

4th September 2008, 02:31 PM
Sleep? Who needs sleep? :P

I haven't seen her or received the 'ok' yet, but when I do I'm not sure what to ask. I'll probably just be glad to see her, I love her a lot.

My grandfater has told me some stuff (he always appears to me in dreams when there's going to be arguments between certain members of my family) and my dad (who has been passed over for almost 20 years) also told me about some stuff that was going to happen).
However, I can never be 100% sure of anything, and don't claim that I believe this is proof of life after death.
One thing I found is the more I discover the more possibilities I discover there are, and the less sure of anything I am.
Not comforting, I'm sure, but I feel I have to be honest about this.

Well I haven't projected yet and if I do then I am sold. I am coming from a completely rational point of view here.If I can get out and 'know' that I am out of a sleeping body that is all I need really. So if you have done that and have 'proved' it then all the discoveries you have had are just a part of your human want for more and more info :)
If you type this into youtube, Non-Physical Realms Part 1, then you may get some good back up for what you know. :)

5th September 2008, 03:57 AM
When you are young, at some point you find out about a horse like creature with black and white stripes. Some adult (or other person) tells you, its called a zebra. You go to the library or on-line and see pictures of this creature. So at this point you are pretty sure it exists, yet you have never actually seen one. After all, there are pictures of 'fantasy' creatures available also. Then one day you go to the zoo and lo and behold before your very eyes, there is a striped horse like creature. Do you know it exists or just believe?

I had no fear of death before projecting, so can't really answer that from personal experience.

What I can say in the vein of the above example, you do know that you are more than the physical. One can't be sure one is immortal, but it seems very evident that part/most of you is not dependant on the physical body.

When you get experienced at projecting, you can explore this issue directly.

5th September 2008, 11:21 AM
I did with my grandma. It's all in the last three or four pages of my journal. (I wouldn't want you to strain your eyes, but it is long). I'm waiting for the cue that it's ok to talk to her. (There is a 'waiting period' apparently).

Sometimes they go through some sort of healing from the life they lived. It was brought up when a past life I was channeliing started to cry, then she left somewhere and I couldn't find her again for a few weeks. In that particular case being brought back into the physical brought up the issues she needed to resolve

6th September 2008, 03:15 AM
When you are young, at some point you find out about a horse like creature with black and white stripes. Some adult (or other person) tells you, its called a zebra. You go to the library or on-line and see pictures of this creature. So at this point you are pretty sure it exists, yet you have never actually seen one. After all, there are pictures of 'fantasy' creatures available also. Then one day you go to the zoo and lo and behold before your very eyes, there is a striped horse like creature. Do you know it exists or just believe?

I had no fear of death before projecting, so can't really answer that from personal experience.

What I can say in the vein of the above example, you do know that you are more than the physical. One can't be sure one is immortal, but it seems very evident that part/most of you is not dependant on the physical body.

When you get experienced at projecting, you can explore this issue directly.

Very good wstein it makes good sense :) .
I have heard namely Thomas Campbell talk about watching people as they die and their transition to spirit when he was at the Monroe Institue. I found this to be an amazing statement.

21st September 2008, 02:42 AM
Since I have begun my explorations of the spiritual side of things and
also having had a few OBES. I have "lost" the fear of "death", but every since
i can remember I never actually believed in death, I couldn't somehow cope with
life suddenly being at an end and then nothing more.
I always hear people say that when they die nothing happens they are just dead;
there is nothing.
I just cant grasp that and I am very puzzled why so many people can.
Where is the curiosity and the lust to explore in those people?

So no I am not afraid of death, because in my experience, there isn't such a thing.
There is only life, just in other forms.
Just like water shifts form and is not always visible. Ice, water, wapor.

Aunt Clair
28th September 2008, 11:40 AM
I have projected to the homes of the deceased and to the Gates of Death and I have seen spirits of relatives , friends and strangers there . I have also worked as a medium and seen spirits here on the Earthly plane . I am confident that life goes on and that there is a place for us . Robert Monroe and Sylvia Browne

1st October 2008, 10:09 AM
I've projected a number of times.

I actually do still fear death when I project sometimes. I start to panic and think 'what if I dont come back!' Projecting is no different to being in waking in life in terms of consciousness (for me). And when you project fequently, you further realise how beautiful waking life or 'real life' is. All the natural laws of gravity, time perception and the nature of Earth, Humans and Animals is an experience that my subconscious/hireself or whatever label you want to give it is drawn to most.

As for life after death... All logic points to nothingness.

I've been thinking a lot about this for the last 5 years or so. I've come to the conclusion that 'LIFE' exists. Everything within life is a part of life. So Life is solid, physical things but it is also emotional thoughts, actions and mindsets. So if WE have the ability to ask 'WHY' life exists then life itself is also asking why. Life has either been created or is creating itself all experiences incluiding murder, rape, abuse etc... all the way to the opposite end of the spectrum such as love and peace.

Life is everybodys beliefs (differnt or not) and life is also 'mystery', since mystery exists. I feel that mystery is the driving force behind human actions. We want to know Everything about Everything. Without mystery we wouldn't have the need to be educated or delve into relationships.

Life thrives on being mysterious so that it can explore itself in as many different ways as possible. Allowing itself the knowledge of something in the future would take away motivation to explore, thus, experiences wouldn't be so diverse.

No one can be SURE if there is life after death. Maybe OBE's are a loop hole in the lfe experience or a brain glich. Life doesn't exist with the ability to leave 100% no doubt. One thing life can't escape is the question of why it exists and whats beyond the bounderies of the universe. If its nothing, then surely nothing is SOMETHING and we will all be put to rest with this quesiton at some point.

P.S: Some people simply call Life GOD.

20th November 2008, 02:24 AM
No, I am not afraid. I think of dead, as a “friend that it is always there”. I know the time will come that I will have to leave. During one of my dreams I remember I had a conversation with my deceased father, where I told him that I wanted to be with him, I remember he put his hand over my heart, and told me, “Not now, you still have a lot of valuable work to do here”. I wake up, and I still felt the warm of his hand over my chest. I know that I spoke with him...and I know in my heart that he will be waiting for me.