View Full Version : Answers needed

Universal traveler
3rd September 2008, 07:53 PM
Hello everyone,

In the Book Adventures Beyond the Body: How to Experience Out-of-Body Travel by William Buhlman, I've realized how he implies that you can just simply ask for things, like ask to do things, go places, experience things, and so on. All I want to know is, is this the case? Can you just ask for things and then it happens? Also, who are you asking? Your guides? Your higher self?

In the Book Naked Soul: Astral Travel & Cosmic Relationships by Marlene Marie Druhan, she implies that we can simply ask the higher powers of the Universe to meet our guides. She says to meet our Angelic guide, we should Pray to the Archangel Michael to meet them on our Journeys, again, is this the case? Can we meet guides during Projection if we pray to the higher powers of the Universe?

From the same Book, another thing she mentions is that we can get assistance from Deities, this interests me a lot. The Deity I would most like to meet for assistance is Agasgaminam (Lord of all Astral travelers), surely if someone could help with Astral projection its Agasgaminam. So, is it possible to get help from the Deities if we simply ask for their assistance?

Last one, in the book A Course in Astral Travel and Dreams by Belzebuub, it says that Astral projection is to the Astral and Mental Planes, whereas traveling to the higher Planes (Buddhic and Causal) is different and can be learnt in another Book. I thought that you could just learn to travel to the higher Planes through practise, in William Buhlmans Book, he just seemed to be traveling to higher planes as time went on, so, does it come with experience or do you have to learn higher travel separately?

I look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,
Universal traveler.

3rd September 2008, 08:04 PM
Hello everyone,

In the Book Adventures Beyond the Body: How to Experience Out-of-Body Travel by William Buhlman, I've realized how he implies that you can just simply ask for things, like ask to do things, go places, experience things, and so on. All I want to know is, is this the case? Can you just ask for things and then it happens? Also, who are you asking? Your guides? Your higher self? I think this one was already answered in another post.

In the Book Naked Soul: Astral Travel & Cosmic Relationships by Marlene Marie Druhan, she implies that we can simply ask the higher powers of the Universe to meet our guides. She says to meet our Angelic guide, we should Pray to the Archangel Michael to meet them on our Journeys, again, is this the case? Can we meet guides during Projection if we pray to the higher powers of the Universe? I believe this is roughly true, but not instant. For example, I've been projecting since I was a child, but I didn't meet my guides until fairly recently. The reason? I wasn't ready. If I had met them 10 years ago, I would probably have checked myself into an insane asylum. So I'd say, ask and you shall receive, however, it may not be when you expect it, or how you expect it.

From the same Book, another thing she mentions is that we can get assistance from Deities, this interests me a lot. The Deity I would most like to meet for assistance is Agasgaminam (Lord of all Astral travelers), surely if someone could help with Astral projection its Agasgaminam. So, is it possible to get help from the Deities if we simply ask for their assistance? I believe so. I can only speak from experience, but I have asked for guidance from deities (even those I had no religious affiliation with) and was helped. So I'd say probably. :wink:

Last one, in the book A Course in Astral Travel and Dreams by Belzebuub, it says that Astral projection is to the Astral and Mental Planes, whereas traveling to the higher Planes (Buddhic and Causal) is different and can be learnt in another Book. I thought that you could just learn to travel to the higher Planes through practise, in William Buhlmans Book, he just seemed to be traveling to higher planes as time went on, so, does it come with experience or do you have to learn higher travel separately?

I look forward to your reply. I think it comes with experience and you can say that travel to the 'lower' planes trains you for the lessons to be learned in the 'higher' planes. The reasons are multifold- you need to be psychologically ready for the lessons, and for the experience, no matter how sane and stable you think you are, and some metaphysicians theorize that your energy body needs to be developed enough to go higher. I'd say 'all of the above'. The techniques are one thing, being able to get the most out of the experience is another thing.

Yours faithfully,
Universal traveler. Right back at'cha.

22nd February 2009, 05:30 PM
Books by other astral travellers are great - give us insight, new ideas, encourage us to pursue our dreams.

But at the end of the day, we all progress with astral travelling at our own rate of growth. We all have different experiences. To a certain extent, embrace what authors say, but also disregard them if they don't sit well with you. Gleam from books what is helpful for you and disregard what doesn't work for you.

Be an individual seeker, search after truth for yourself. I was introduced to astral travelling quite suddenly when without asking or seeking after it consciously, I found myself out of body. I then began to read books on the subject to educate myself. But I follow my own path, books are a help and I am inspired by what I read but at the end of the day I am not a slave to what others believe, I go my own way.

Don't be too troubled by the difference in opinion or experience in various books - find you own path.

22nd February 2009, 07:48 PM
I second that - good advice. :D
