View Full Version : adding the 2 cents

2nd September 2008, 02:26 PM
Hi Robert Bruce,

I have been coming to this forum for a few weeks now. and to be honest I'd never heard of you before, nor do I know a darn thing about astral dynamics. I got this url from an online aquaintance telling me it was a great place to share info. I realize that for the past few weeks I've added to this forum pretty much my own two cents based upon the topics, thinking to give from myself some modicum of the very little that I grasp at in the lessons of my singularity of life.
My question is Mr. Bruce, is it ok to pursue this venue as such without seeming as disrespectful to your intentions for the forum. I certainly intend no disrespect, yet toes are easily stepped upon.
It is a fine forum for sharing, though I must say much of what I have offered seems to be non-understandable, revealing to me my inner process of trial and error with communication skills. I possess no formal learning whatsoever, speaking from the cuff is what I do, having for the past 17 years studied on my own in an effort to understand myself within the many, and the many within myself.

Thank you,

Robert Bruce
11th February 2009, 06:20 PM

This is a good place to share and to learn. Its good to ask questions and to ask for clarifications. Its also good to have and to test out new ideas.

Treating on people's toes mainly involves ego. Its good to call people on their ♥♥♥♥e occasionally. Feel free to call me on mine if you see any. This way we can help each other to grow. This can be done kindly and directly, without malice or insult.
