View Full Version : can energy work help you get to sleep / sleep deeper?

1st September 2008, 11:22 PM
Hello again,

I was wondering if there were any energy work techniques one could do to help induce sleep / make the sleep you do get more restful. Grounding out excess energy into the ground just prior to sleeping seems like one thing to do, but are there any other things I could do either during the day or right before sleeping that would help?

Thanks for any help offered. =)


2nd September 2008, 07:09 AM
Hello, Seeuzin.

I generally have no problem falling asleep while meditating while lying down or while on a train. :?

In general I often do some energy work before falling asleep at night. The only thing I do is trying to relax blockages, and usually in bed I have an easier time releasing and doing it, because my mind knows that falling asleep is acceptable in this case, so it does go deep without hesitation.


2nd September 2008, 07:29 AM
I generally have no problem falling asleep while meditating while lying down
Ditto. And sometimes in a chair, as well.

In general I often do some energy work before falling asleep at night.
Again, ditto. I mostly just do a gentle "massage" starting with my toes. A sort of "general circuit" but very soft movements. As the intention with this is to create deep relaxation, it can, indeed, put me easily to sleep.

I'm not sure if it helps me to sleep more deeply or not, to be honest. I have noticed an improvement in the quality of my sleep, but I think it's mostly from having gotten a new, much better bed and because I no longer live in a house that has so many allergens in it (thus causing sleep apnea). I suspect strongly that the energy work does, indeed, have a positive effect, however. That's my take on it, anyway.

3rd September 2008, 10:26 PM

in my experience I do feel differences when I dont do the energy work.

I just lay down on my bed confortable and start to absorve energy and feel the energy, I do it no less than 30 minutes before sleep, yeah I love energy but I need to recharge and clean my self because of the energy work I do with people.

4th September 2008, 11:39 AM
The Reiki system has proven to me and my clients inumerable times that it removes stress and makes us sleepy. I'd suggest looking into being attuned. Dolphin Reiki had the best effect if your looking to sleep. Also, if you sleep on an empty stomach you'll be more rested.

5th September 2008, 01:04 AM
Thank you for all the replies. =) I am considering getting a reiki attunement, actually. I want to do more soul retrieval first with the Reiki master that I see regularly, though. So much of me is missing, from fragmentation in this life and previous ones.