View Full Version : the same or not?

1st September 2008, 08:53 AM
Two quick questions here.

1. is i'm new so I know you said when you begin to exit the body you will automatically gain vision from your atstral body, but do you see like you would normally?

2. I'm a very very open-minded person and wonderd if you believed the same thing that I do. I believe that your mind is just a muscle and the more you work with it the more powerful it becomes. Well I believe astral travel will help me with telekinesis as well. what do you think?

Robert Bruce
11th February 2009, 06:16 PM

1. This depends on the level you are at, Real Time, or Astral Planes. OBE sight varies. If you have any vision problems make a command 'give me sight, NOW!' or 'Give me clarity NOW!' or if its dark 'Give me light, NOW' and this will usually brighten things up.

2. The brain can be likened to a muscle, yes. The more you use it the stronger it gets. The mind uses the brain, so the fitter the brain the better the mind can work with this organ.

Strengthening your brain and mind will enhance all abilities.
