View Full Version : Question for experts projectors, is this risky for my mental

31st August 2008, 08:30 PM

Guys, from som time now I am really wanting to project. But though I tried to do it alone and I had three attemps I just get stucked and dont know how to do it. So, as my guides recommended me to read read and read I remebered that robert bruce had books to learn how to do it. I am startin with the basic, the treatease on spanish. Now I have some knoledge, I read and understand easy so is fast but I wanna do it with caution.

You know, I feel prepared and ready to do it and I wanna try it, but I already caused trouble at home with my mental health, I had very strong stress related problems, I was glad when my psicologist told me and changed her mind about my situation, first she told me when we start the setions that probably my reading and chattings on paranormal stuff gave me the mental problem It was stupid, at least for me but well, then the last time we talked about my mental problem of the past after months of therapy she thinks that all my personal problems I had including the premonitions I took negativly where the cause probably of the mental problem not the chatting or strange readings I had (few I was relieved)

But, I still I am causious abou this pyichic stuff, a psychic friend that is assisting me told me that I am ready for the astral travel and stuff like that but I would like to know if this could make me get crazy. I already have tons of gifts so I dont need it but is nesseary for me travel, I want to connect with my guides in order to meet them and things like that.

I have not fear, for me I dont care if I get insane, but I dont want to cause trouble to my family, they are good people and love me, I dont want again another trouble they trust me and well, just asking for advice... I still will read all book, so I understand more of the dimensions I see and the like.

Please give me some advice :)

31st August 2008, 08:58 PM
I think that it is good that you are not afraid. Having fear can cause bad things to be attracted to you. I mean, bad circumstances will be drawn to you like a magnet when your energy body is sending out a signal of fear.

If you decide to go through with projecting, just know with certainty that nothing can happen if you protect yourself beforehand. Always ask for guides and angels that love you and want the best for you to be with you and lead you. And surround yourself in white light.

Also remember that astral travel is not necessary for spiritual development. It could be that your guides will not help you with it because it is not something that you need to do or even should be doing for you mental health. If you really feel in your gut that you should do it, then do it. But be careful that you are trusting your gut and not letting an emotional desire steer you in the wrong direction.

31st August 2008, 09:20 PM
Also remember that astral travel is not necessary for spiritual development. It could be that your guides will not help you with it because it is not something that you need to do or even should be doing for you mental health. If you really feel in your gut that you should do it, then do it. But be careful that you are trusting your gut and not letting an emotional desire steer you in the wrong direction.

EXACTLY, thats my problem, I think is difficult for me, because I really want to do it but another part tells me is not nessesary, I think I am gonna chat more with my guides. Thanks I need that oppinion. At least I am not thinking wrong at all.