View Full Version : Can astral travel help find a cure for ALS

31st August 2008, 04:43 AM
Hi Robert - this is my first post. I have never traveled out-of-body, but have read Astral Dynamics as well as other astral travel books by other authors so I have a deep appreciation for the good that can come from out-of-body experiences. I'd like to start by thanking you for enlightening so many (including me) and being a pioneer in this space. My best friend was just diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)...as known as "Lou Gehrig's disease". It is a neurodegenerative disease without a cure. Western science with it's limited vision has not been able to identify what causes it and as I said, how to cure it. I have to believe there are answers, but we simply aren't looking in the right places. Do you feel that astral travel could be a path to find answers? If so, how does someone like me who has never traveled out-of-body even know where to begin or what to look for/ask for? I really would appreciate any guidance or thoughts you may have on this. Time is limited, so if astral travel won't help, please be honest.

Thank you again for all you have brought to this world.

Robert Bruce
21st January 2009, 06:33 AM

I suggest your friend use the self healing methods in my book, Energy Work.

Any disease can be cured if enough intention and energy is applied to the manifestation process of self healing.

An organic raw food diet also helps greatly.
