View Full Version : William Buhlman's way

Universal traveler
29th August 2008, 03:55 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm currently reading Adventures Beyond the Body: How to Experience Out-of-Body Travel by William Buhlman and have just read all of his Journal entries. One thing that startled me was that during his experiences he seemed to be able to take control of the experience by demanding stuff, like he would shout "clarity now!" And then he would have better vision. He also just seemed to be able to go to places and experience things buy simply demanding it, not in a horrible way but just clearly asking. So, what I want to know is, is this how it is when Astral traveling, I have every faith in the author but I would just like to know if this is the case in your experiences.

I look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,
Universal traveler.

29th August 2008, 03:58 PM
Not really. This seems to work at first (demanding sight, etc.) but it doesn't always work-for me. I also tried to go inside, and always get freaky things. I have found that in projection nothing ever works the same 100% of the time.

Universal traveler
29th August 2008, 07:52 PM
Hello CFTraveler,

Your reply is much appreciated. It mentions "going inside" in the Book as well, but I didn't quite understand what it meant, so what is "going inside?" Is it something that you can just ask for (when asking works)? Also, if asking doesn't always work, how do you achieve and get to places? E.G. If asking works, I could ask to go to the higher Planes (couldn't I?), So how could I do it if asking doesn't work?

I look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,
Universal traveler.

29th August 2008, 09:26 PM
Hello CFTraveler,

Your reply is much appreciated. It mentions "going inside" in the Book as well, but I didn't quite understand what it meant, so what is "going inside?" It is simply not trying to separate, but getting involved in your own personal visual/mental phenomena. I suspect it's the same as phasing. In fact, I'd say that 'going inside' is probably the same as phasing, with the explicit desire to explore internal landscapes.

Is it something that you can just ask for (when asking works)? Apparently.

Also, if asking doesn't always work, how do you achieve and get to places? You either follow Robert's directions and separate, or phase.

E.G. If asking works, I could ask to go to the higher Planes (couldn't I?), So how could I do it if asking doesn't work? If your psyche/energy body are ready to, you could phase there.

I look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,
Universal traveler. For more info, Robert's Treatise illustrates the whole 'separation' thing, which consists of
energy raising
trance techniques
energy body loosening
more trance techs (or the same)
and exit techniques.

For phasing instructions, there should be a stickied thread here (or in the OBE forum) on how to phase.
Any terms that seem nebulous will probably be described in the AD Pedia.

30th August 2008, 05:06 AM
Declaring your intentions out loud and asking for things in the astral is an effective way to take control of a situation.

In our physical lives, we always have these two sides to us; thought inside and action outside. If you want to grab a pen off the counter, you can think "grab the pen!" as hard as you want, the pen will never go into your hand unless you move your muscles and grab it.

In OBEs, these "dimensions" do not exist; thought and action are one and the same. The problem is, we're so used to them being separate that we emulate the separation -- we "suppress" the effect of our thoughts and intentions, we "close" so that they are kept inside and do not flow out of us. Since they are the same device, the result is often that we are unable to act or influence our surroundings, because we're holding on to them too tightly.

Something that occurs commonly in dreams and in OBEs is this impression of powerlessness... A lot of people have had nightmares where they were being chased by something but could not run, for instance. Simply saying it suddenly unlocks your ability, you exteriorize your intentions and put your will into motion.

These affirmations are good when you begin, but they're just training wheels; as you familiarize yourself with the out of body state, actions will naturally follow from thought without requiring any kind of technique.

Universal traveler
3rd September 2008, 07:09 PM

Thank you both for your replies, they are much appreciated.

Yours faithfully,
Universal traveler.

30th September 2008, 11:46 PM
Hello There,
maybe this thread is dead but i reply anyhow :D.
I read some of William Buhlman's books. The above mentioned one and
"The Secret of The Soul". The trick to demand things like clarity, more energy more control
with the energy body and such, havent worked so good for me.
Maybe its because you have to work with your energy body to get the "power" needed for projections.
I haven't found that normal spoken affirmations when actually out of body helps a lot.
Instead i use a mantra "OMMMM", chanting it many times to energize myself, either when leaving the
body, or once fully in the OBE state.

That being said, I think William Buhlman has some very good points and a very encouraging style of writing.
This passage is one of my favorites, because It's just says it all.

"Let us embrace a new philosophy of death and dying. Instead of fear, let us feel joy, for we know that we
continue to live and grow beyond the dense illusion of flesh."

Best regards