View Full Version : Have you ever met a god?

29th August 2008, 12:19 AM
[removed insulting comment]
Put simple, I have. Damn I'm lucky. Serdyn is a pretty cool guy. Hes in human form so I talk to him like any other human. before I get a way with my self Let me define what a god is as I've been told by a god. They are essentially normal souls, not too much unlike you or me, but in comparison they are extremely powerful. (differs form god to god) and theres really no deffinate line between what is a god and what isn't. Its like hand guns to nucular bombs.

So do you have anything good to add [removed rude comment]?

Robert Bruce
16th January 2009, 04:22 PM
God/Source is all things to all people.

If you need God to be a giant bunny rabbit, then this will be so.

The great bunny has spoken....
