View Full Version : WDA Galaxy

27th August 2008, 07:05 AM
Another dream that I remember which this time happened a few months ago is that I deramt about WDA Galaxies. I was taken by someone into space and shown planets where this WDA galaxy(ies) had(ve) destroyed the planets. I was told that one was headed towards Earth and could destroy Earth too.

i don't know very much about Space so looked this up on the internet and found that there are such things as WDA galaxies.

27th August 2008, 07:52 AM
:shock: Who took you there? do you trust them? Please be careful with 'beings' that just show up and whisk you off into otherwordly places, even though the place is true, A loving being would not wish to place fear or 'food for thought' into you, unless you were 'ready' to see, and warn others of course, I appologize if you are involved in space probes

27th August 2008, 08:03 AM
I have no idea except that the being seemed kind and genuine. No I'm not invloved in 'space probs'. My dreaming ins't guided at the moment, although for a while I kept a dream journal and worked with some ladies in the US remotely towards tryign to work out what our dreams meant. I go to bed and I dream. lol

27th August 2008, 01:10 PM
Er... what's a WDA Galaxy? The only thing I found on the net had to do with video games.

27th August 2008, 06:31 PM
Try this:

27th August 2008, 07:21 PM
on that link you referenced, http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/astro-ph/pdf/9503/9503064v1.pdf, WDA means "wavelet detection algorithm," which is a mathematical equation used by computers to analyze large volumes of date.

In other words, astronomers use radio waves to scan large parts of the sky, then use computers to analyze that date with "wavelets" (the math) which breaks up the different frequency components, then those different frequency components are analyzed based on their frequency.

It seems to be used to track the transit of light from galaxies; which, i assume, tells us about the location, movement and size of the galaxy (among other things).

so WDA in your first post seems to be a destructive galaxy (from a video game?) and from the second link, WDA is a method of studying distant galaxies (light sources, actually).

tell us what WDA means to you.

28th August 2008, 06:14 PM

http://adc.astro.umd.edu/adc-cgi/cat.pl ... gs/6/6099/ (http://adc.astro.umd.edu/adc-cgi/cat.pl?/catalogs/6/6099/)


Here's a few references, but they dont' go into details. As to what a WDA galaxy means to me, I have no idea. I was quite surrised to find myself in the depths of sapce, and quite please as I usually have dreams that deal more with problems I need to work out & I felt I'd made some progress because I had been shown something that on first glance has nothing t do with my persnal development

28th August 2008, 07:10 PM

http://adc.astro.umd.edu/adc-cgi/cat.pl ... gs/6/6099/ (http://adc.astro.umd.edu/adc-cgi/cat.pl?/catalogs/6/6099/)


Here's a few references, but they dont' go into details. As to what a WDA galaxy means to me, I have no idea. I was quite surrised to find myself in the depths of sapce, and quite please as I usually have dreams that deal more with problems I need to work out & I felt I'd made some progress because I had been shown something that on first glance has nothing t do with my persnal development
They are actually AGN galaxies. WDA is the way they're detected. But wait, there's more....

The objects in your links (or rather, the references to the same object) is what is known as a BL Lacertae object. It's a really loud (radio loud) galaxy. They're also known as 'blazars'.
WDA is the way it was detected, or discovered to be there, since it exhibits such loud radio waves. (as sleeper explained).

There is something really interesting about them- they exhibit superluminal (faster than lightspeed) motion. Maybe your dream was telling you nature doesn't work the way we think it does. Or maybe it means that there's a blazar headed our way. Hopefully we'll be able to detect it if it does come.
However, (and forgive me if I'm offending anyone) I have another explanation. But I think I'll keep it to myself since I can't seem to express it without offending someone.


28th August 2008, 08:21 PM
That's interesting. I wonder if the term "WDA Galaxy" was a clue to follow - to lead to the scientific summaries found here...

...or to CFTraveler's secret explanation.

I thought of something interesting to post here, but i can't find it. so this is a reminder to myself, to find that info. :?:

28th August 2008, 08:29 PM
CFT you haven't offended me if that's what you think. I'm used to working with diffent people (my US friends) on dream interpretation so it takes awhile to get another person's 'drift'.