View Full Version : alien and government mind control

27th August 2008, 01:43 AM
bruce, i am experiencing alien and government mind control... some sort of black op program. i've never been an astral traveler, nor remote viewer. for the past year i have been doing both at high freqency. the traveling and viewing that i have always done have been alien, military related. i've seen lots of aliens, as well as high and lower level entities.

anyways, it reached a point that i was unable to stop this traveling and viewing. when i would lay down, i would start traveling. i went to a couple who are well respected in psychic and angelic healing. they've been able to help me tremendously. they confirm that what i am going through is in fact alien, entity and mind control of a high level. we've bound and sent away many aliens... grays, only to return. my mind has been shattered and the vail to the etheric realm has been as well.

when they sent the aliens away, the traveling and viewing shut down dramatically. a good thing, because it was driving me insane. when i traveled, my visuals were always behind the "me" that was traveling. so, i could see myself traveling. sometimes i'd look at my hands and they were not mine.

my question to you is, have you ever worked with situations like this? any suggestions or referrals to others who have been successful in combating these programs?


Robert Bruce
15th January 2009, 11:10 AM

If these beings responded to psychic countermeasures by your friends, this tells you a lot about them.

ET's do operate physically and in the astral near our world. I've had many encounters.

However, negative entities will also frequently take on the guise of ET's.

ET's are highly advanced psychically and technologically. Normal banishments and spiritual countermeasures do not work on them.

When countermeasures do work on ET types, I have to conclude that they are not actually ET's.

Therefore, I advise you to do what works and to continue countermeasures that work.

Check out my website and see my new countermeasures.

http://www.astraldynamics.com/tutorials ... index.html (http://www.astraldynamics.com/tutorials/psychic-defense/index.html)

and see my blog http://www.blog.astraldynamics.com as well

All non physical beings, even ET looking types, have an emf component when they operate near the physical. This is their greatest weakness.

The emf countermeasures, sleeping earthed, Faraday cage, etc, are very effective.

A new countermeasure to add to the above is light.

An hour of sun bathing a day, or an hour resting under a powerful grow light (the type used to grow plants) burns away ectoplasmic entities and thought forms, which are destroyed by white light.

If you feel anything fluttering in your body, or wiggling, various symptoms, you probably have what is classically called an 'implant' or 'attachment'.

These things respond to emf grounding and white light.

physical white light penetrates the body and dissolves these things.

i've had a lot of success with this.

Let me know how you go with this. email workshops @ astraldynamics.com with results and experiences
