View Full Version : Flying high, low & not at all

26th August 2008, 02:49 PM
HI I posted this in new members & CFT recommended I post it here to get other people's thoughts:
Hi I was recommended this site by someone in a Natural Food store on saturday and have been 'exploring' a few of the forum posts.

I'm interested in all sorts of things such as spiritual belief, chakras and astral projection etc. I've been reading through Robert's pdf on Astral projection and wanted to get some feed back on some things that I have 'dreamed' about. I'd be interested to know if they are just dreams or am I doing some form of AP?

Throughout my life (I'm currently 44) I have dreamt that I can fly. Some dream dictionaires say this is to do with sex, but I don't think this is the case. In some of the dreams I am flying really high over water or sand dunes for instance & then driving down steeply really fast & then flying high again. At other times I'm flying at a lower level over small obstacles or 'trying' to get somewhere. Other times it feels like I'm hovering just above the ground, rather like you do in water sort fo like when you do 'treading water' and can't get any further off the ground. Its like I've run out of energy or something. Or sometimes after after a night of flying high I try to jump off the ground again and I can't seem to get much higher than shoulder high and then I wake up.

I'd be interested in what people thought of this.

26th August 2008, 03:16 PM
My mother, brother and sister have had these types of dreams their whole lives. They're not really lucid, but somehow they spend lots of their dream time doing the wildest things they can imagine...flying and playing music in front of large crowds are normal for them.

Anyway, for them it kind of symbolized their open minds and hearts. They have natural potential for spiritual activities but they don't develop them, so they have a hard time staying in the air when they fly.

being hydrated at night, as well as doing NEW energy work will help a lot with getting higher off of the ground, as well as affirming your intention. i.e., thinking "get off the ground" puts your focus on the ground, where you stay. "up to the clouds" or "high with the birds" will take you to your point of focus - the sky, where you can fly.

you will probably get other good advice but i hope this helps.

martin booker
27th August 2008, 06:37 AM

I have the same thing, a few nights ago i had a dream that i was walking down a road and i had a disk with me about 12" round i would walk a few steps with it under me? and stop walking and start to levitate far ward about one foot in the air for a little wile and i would slow to a stop and i would repeat the process again like being on a hover board or something? its fun.My father was with me in the dream and he told me above the ground there is an area of some kind of polar magnetism that allows you to move swiftly just above the ground,it sure beats walking :P I think the disc just helped me adjust to the levitation process.

27th August 2008, 07:58 AM
I think it's a good omen that when we fly. I think it symbolizes confidence and ease and freedom that we can move through experiences without too much trouble...especially if it's natural, and not so much lucid. I rarely have flying dreams, but when i do, I know it's a good sign.

Fly on :wink:

27th August 2008, 06:31 PM
Flying dreams are great. I used to have them more frequently than I do now unfortunately!

The last time I flew was in OBE and it's the same sensation as in my dreams.