View Full Version : Lucid Dream Deja Vu

22nd August 2008, 08:24 PM
Some background info
Perhaps out of some school stress, I often dream of going to college. In the dreams I sometimes get lost on my way to school or home (it keeps shifting), probably because I've moved around quite a bit growing up...and perhaps from watching too much tv I guess. I live in Queens, NY and take the train to go to school and if you live in NYC, you know that certain trains run on steel bridges over the streets. There are some trains that have bridges that are partially made of stone and run over where sidewalks would be (there are parking lots underneath them).

Here goes a recent the recent dream with elements of Deja Vu (08/18/08)

I dreamed I had a bus map opened in front of me and when I looked at it I had flashback of a dream I had in which I got lost on my way to college. The flashback finished and I was looking at the map again and it seemed to be getting bigger until I felt like I was in the map. Then I was seeing a vision in the map and it was as if I were floating above a bus that was going up a street. The vision ended and I put the map down to find myself on the bus. I pass by some houses, a train, and see a school that I sense I'm supposed to be going to. I get off the bus and walk up the street to that school and I'm followed by other students who got off the bus.

I lose track of time at this point and the last thing i remember, I was in a computer class talking with some friends and then it was time to go. I leave class, turning left down the hall, and then stand looking around in circles. I notice the halls look awkward with poor lighting and they remind me of previous dreams and memories of schools I've been too. There was a part that looked like it was under-construction like the area near the cafeteria of the high school i went to in York, Pa. I turned left on that hall I was standing and went up a staircase, which resembled the one in my college and also reminded me of another dream.

Again, I lost track of time and the next thing i remember is coming out of a subway. I walk across a street and notice a green sign on a three story buildings in ahead of me that says something like "dreamed it" which finally brought me to the realization that I actually dreaming and and I was thinking what it would be like to google any text i see in my dreams. I looked around to the left and caused all the houses on the street to become made of red brick. The sign on the building I was in front of changed into "dram dip"...or something like that. It sort of reminded me of a dream i had of eating at a fast food restaurant. The sign then turned white and the letters looked like strange font.

The constant shifting reminded me of a lucid dream I barely remember in which I was trapped in a building and when I finally got out, it was time to wake up. This memory then had me wanting to do something before this lucid dreams ends too, so I tried to fly. I jumped up and it seemed like I wasn't going too far and yet i never came completely back down to my feet (I was floating). I wanted to move toward the buildings but I felt as if I stuck and wading through water, so I walked on my hands. I noticed some young people my age also imitating what I was doing and one looked like they were jumping in almost zero gravity. As I was walking on my hands, I then felt my legs float behind me as I was leaning forward and it was as if I were floating on my stomach on top of invisible water. I then decided I was going to climb up the building wall. Then for some odd reason my legs went all the way up behind me, I was standing on my hands, and then my feet fell forward towards the building.

I began to climb the building and others were following me. I passed some windows, I glanced at the other people following behind me, and then continued climbing. There were no more windows and then I seemed to get into a dead end. I head somone say "you can fall off", the building shifted into a big version of my drawer and I saw my ceiling above it. I jumped backwards and fell on foot of my bed. I saw my bedroom door open with my backpack in front of it. All the lights were out except for light coming from the closed bathroom door. There was apparently some morning light coming in from my window. I tried to get up from my bed and failed thinking I was in sleep paralysis (which couldn't have been possible because I was at the foot of the bed and never actually "woke up" from my dream). I then heard a buzzing hum and then I woke up.

So that's my dream. lol I have had dreams in which I go into an elevator and it shifts into a train. I've even had an instance where a train or bus shifted into some indoor building. There are familiar places that shift and even people shift. Some people even shrivel up if I try to hold on to them. o.O Iol dreamland is weird.

26th August 2008, 02:31 PM

Connie Kaplan is a lady who writes alot about dream types and she says that dreams about travel are quite common and you can determine a lot about what message is being given to you by whether you were the one driving or if you are being driven
as to whether you feel like you are in control of your life or whether you feel like things are out of your control
ie in your bus journey you had a map so it seems like you have plans as to where you are going in your life/goal etc

She also talks about seeing schools or universities (or other places of learning) in dreams as 'teaching dreams' where we are taught or shown things that we need to learn to develop. Often there maybe a blockage or you may be prevented from going through a particular corridor etc and this maybe symbolic of a block that you need to work on in your 'real' life. Once you have worked out what the 'block' is and worked through it you should be able to move past what has been causing you problems before and in teaching dreams terms you maybe shown that you've moved up a class.

Here's a link to Amazon and her book The Woman's Book of Dreams, a guide to Spiritual Practise @amazon.co.uk/Womans-Book-Dreams-Dreaming-Spiritual/dp/1582700087/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1219760875&sr=1-4
I'm not sure if you're male or female but its useful for both women and men

26th August 2008, 07:28 PM
LOL that's interesting and sounds similar to what I find when looking in online dream dictionaries (e.g dreammoods.com)

I'm a male, my nickname is Rocky :D