View Full Version : Big brother scenario/racial separation

Neil Templar
21st August 2008, 09:58 AM
this morning i had two disturbing dreams.
in the first it was made known to me that there was "someone" after me.
i was told i was being watched,and i'd be given proof-info about where i'd been,what i was doing.
it basically became a paranoid experience-wondering who it was who was after me.suspecting everyone,working out new ways to come and go from my home,so i wouldn't be seen.climbing over roofs and up and down fire escapes.
there was a technological aspect to the dream-i had a team of coworkers keeping tabs on me electronically,in order to work out who was after me.satellite imagery etc.
it was like that movie -enemy of the state.big brother is watching..

the second dream was about myself and my sister,living in our childhood home.
society had taken a turn for the worse - the streets had become over-run with "dark skinned" hooligans.
(i hope no-one takes offence,it's not intended)
all the "white" folk had left town,and we were being hunted.
more rooftop sneaking ensues..trying to get out of town,keeping to the gardens/off the streets.

when i woke i felt really shaken.
i immediately realised what it must have been like for "blacks" back in the days of slavery,or those who still live in regions where "ethnic cleansing" is taking place.
i felt ashamed and disturbed by human behaviour. :evil: :(

oh,and i'll point out that before bed i set the intention of learning more from my guide.

martin booker
21st August 2008, 10:30 AM
Maybe sometime in the past you have experienced this for your self!
I have similar dreams they usually make me lucid but not always, the thing is with my dreams i look up in to the sky and see the stars, as i look they start to stream, like a shooting star's but all of them at once.They leave a long white tail behind and start to hit the ground as this happens large craft start to appear in the sky and descend i never see who is in control but i don't have to! it is like you said a search and destroy type of dream and they are erie and terrifying it is like an unseen enemy is looking for you i don't know who they are or what they want but i sure as hell don't wanna find out! this has frightened me more than sleep pralasis and any one who had that will understand the fear I'm talking about! I fully know what you are talking about mate.

I in my lifetime have never experienced true fear the way i have experienced it in these dreams how is that?

21st August 2008, 10:48 AM
I think the "childhood home" is important. This usually denotes that something goes back to our childhood. Whatever the scenario was, it might stem from a fear you had as a child? In children stories the bogeymen are always black, but black as a dark night, not like a skin color.
