View Full Version : Dream Bringer?

martin booker
21st August 2008, 06:47 AM
Hi Guys :)

As i have grown older I've started to think about the dreams i used to have as a young child (4-5) i have always had a good dream recall like i said i remember meany dreams i had even at 4! the one thing that has not changed is I'm still frightened of the dark, now (33) :oops: .I'm not frightened of snakes/sharks any kind of bugs, hights nothing ill do just about anything,but the dark gets me to the amusement of my mates, (they always get me to pick up the bugs in the house though :wink: )

To the point, most nights just after i had fallen to sleep i would have have a kind of false awakening,i would be in my mum and dads bed and i would scene a person walking slowly up the stairs.It felt like impending doom and i got more frightened the closer he got to the top of the stairs i would be hiding under the pillow and trying like crazy to shake myself awake (i knew i was asleep) but the fear was very real, i also knew that if he made it to the bottom of the bed he would tell me i was going to have a bad dream! and i would with out fail.I say man he looked a lot like the thorn? in the lion the witch and the wardrobe,(the guy under the lamp at the start with human torso and dear like hind and legs) he him self was not scarry it was just the message he brought with him.I would try and plead with him and cry but it never worked and unless i could shake myself awake in a frenzy id be in for a rough night.

This was largely fogotton in my teens,it only resurfaced as i started to get sleep paralasis in my early 20s (not the thorn) but the felling ot terror i would feel,this prompted me to this post and the question? Do you think i was the onset of a O.B.E that as a child i interpreted as a bad dream or something else? Like i said the creature was i feel not evil and i wonder if i will meet him again this went on for several years?

Any one else had this kind of thing?

Thanks for reading.

Kind Regards Martin :)

Neil Templar
21st August 2008, 09:44 AM
when i was a kid i had dreams, and a nightly fear of an american "indian" either peering in my (second storey) bedroom window,or coming out from under my bed. :shock:
also,i don't think he was evil,just there.
and the stairs - i would run past the top of the stairs if i had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night..

21st August 2008, 11:22 AM
When I was 7 I woke up in the middle of the night one time and saw 6 little beings in the bedroom. They were lined up at the foot of the bed, all were radiating a different colored light, and they were talking about me. They didn't say or do anything bad, but it scared the b'jesus out of me. As children, we were taught that anything that wasn't "normal" was demonized. Now I wouldn't give it a second thought. Weird things like this happen to me fairly often.

Sometimes when I get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom there is a man standing at the top of the stairs. He's tall and thin and dresses all in black. I've seen him on an off for the last couple of years.

One time I would have sworn there was an alien in the room, standing by my side of the bed. I said, "Go away, I'm trying to get some sleep!" :lol: Then I went back to sleep and had the most bizzar dream! In the dream I was aware that there were aliens in the house. I realized that I was on the ceiling, looking down at the bed. I thought, Oh, I must be projecting... I saw my husband on the bed, then it occured to me that if I was projecting then my body should be on the bed next to his. It wasn't. Maybe I was really on the ceiling. :D

21st August 2008, 11:45 AM
Sometimes when I get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom there is a man standing at the top of the stairs. He's tall and thin and dresses all in black. I've seen him on an off for the last couple of years.

Did you mention that before? Spooky house we have. ;)


21st August 2008, 12:39 PM
Didn't you move? Or is your new house haunted too?

21st August 2008, 12:40 PM
Not haunted. Just the usual visitors it seems. :lol:


21st August 2008, 12:42 PM
Ah, like me. And lots of us I imagine.

21st August 2008, 08:45 PM
Hi Martin,
I have had the same problem with night terrors, but mostly in my early years and the worst
of them was in sleep paralysis. At the time i didnt know what that is so i thought i was some how
'spell bound' by some entity that wanted the best of me.
In my later years i understood that sleep paralysis is a state of "mind awake / body asleep".
The body cant move because chemicals has been produced to make it still (so you cant live out your dreams physically when you have them).

Anyway, as i understood the mechanics I got more "ressources" to fight the problem with the resulting fear
of being seemingly awake but paralyzed in the body and I learned that the fear of being "attacked" or whatever
was my own mind only thinking about the worst scenarios cause it wasn't 100% on par with what happens.
Over the years i have trained to question my mind when it tries to explain the unexplained with demons,
body snatchers and the such. The relization is very important and it does take training and wont come over night,
after a night mare or terrror tell yourself "I am still alive, it can't harm me" and then little by little you
realize that these terrors have no grip on you.

I hope you can use this for something.

Best regards

martin booker
24th August 2008, 12:52 AM
Hi maree

thanks for your responce, i dont seem to gert S.P any more just the vibrations and even now they are not as strong as they once was i kind of miss them it was a good sighn for me that something intresting was about to happen :wink: Now i just kind of feel a shift in head space :)