View Full Version : Question regarding Chakras

18th August 2008, 03:10 PM
The Astral Body by A.R. Powell mentions three additional Chakras (other than the seven primary) that are/were typically used by practitioners of 'black magic,' and that such students would intentionally redirect the kundulani from it's normal, upward and spiral path down through these other energy centers.

Have you ever heard of/seen these chakras, and if so, does perfect energetic balance require working these? Lastly, would the nature of these centers truly negative, or - like many things - does it's quality (good or bad) rely on the intent and use of the user?

Robert Bruce
15th January 2009, 10:51 AM

There are countless chakras and energy pathways.

But there are no 'evil' or 'negative' chakras per se.

Some practitioners may believe these extra chakras to be evil, but this is not the case.

The intention of the practitioner would be the deciding factor here.

Anything good can be used for evil, and vis versa
