View Full Version : Learning centre - an intention realised.

Neil Templar
17th August 2008, 04:01 PM
so this is related to my thread Bringers of The Dawn.
viewtopic.php?f=25&t=12642 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=12642)

apparently i have a guide from the Pleaidian System.
i was told to speak the intention and he would communicate in a dream.
last night this was my experience -

i first spoke out loud,a number of times,the intention to meet my guide and gratefully accept whatever guidance he thought i needed.
i meditated,and created a space for us to meet - a park,with a circle of trees in the middle.
i focused on this for about 30 mins,tho my thoughts were a little scattered at times.

as i fell asleep,i definitely received some instructions,at first they didn't make sense to me,but they were kinda re-worded and the second time it made sense to me.
unfortunately i can't remember what it was now!
i had my normal sleep,and this morning,found myself in a dream.

myself,and my sister,with some others,were taken to a hidden world,by a male being,in a huge off road vehicle.
we drove thru some really nasty housing estate,really poor area,with horrible looking inhabitants.a place nobody would want to find themselves in.later i realised that it was designed for that exact reason - to keep folk away.
we passed thru the houses,went off road,and soon passed thru some countryside that was decidedly un-earthlike -
i saw what looked like puddles of energy all over the ground,it felt like this was the crossing-over point,or perhaps a portal of sorts.
shortly after we arrived at our destination..

it was a learning centre.there was a huge industrial area in the near distance,with rail tracks coming from it,past the place where we were staying,and running off into the distance.
from time to time some massive space ship would blast along the rails,or huge beams of energy would be seen,with different craft materialising from them,then whizzing along the tracks.the air was almost crackling with energy at times.

the place was like a holiday camp - we each had our own room/hut to stay in while we were there.
i was shown around by the guide,as he explained all the different areas.
there were fields stretching for miles,with a kind of flower,maybe a kind of poppy,with red petals,that seemed to radiate energy.thousands of bees danced in the air,busy at work.

we were taken into the surrounding fields to learn about how to work together in a group,to overcome problems.
this was demonstrated by having us swimming in quick-sand,but by making a human chain,we were able to spread our weight over a large area,and so avoid being sucked under.

back by the accomodation,there was a huge library,with all the knowledge of the universe inside.
the doors to this were huge,and built into the hillside.the whole thing was inside a grassy hill.on the top of this was an outdoor swimming pool.
outside the library was a circle of HUGE trees,interconnected by wooden ladders,stairways and bridges.
very much like the Ewok village.
they had constructed a massive swing to play on,hanging from the trees.i was told that it was 7 storeys high.
it was made clear to us that we were to have as much fun as possible,while learning what we needed to.

there were many other people there,all human,i think.
some i recognised from my life.others were strangers,but friendly.
every moment was a lesson,culminating in tests,to make sure we had taken in all the information we'd been given.

there were strange creatures there - i saw a cat,with flourescent orange markings,that seemed to be radiating energy too.it could change colours,and seemed to have feathers in it's tail.
there were a few of these around,which lived in underground burrows.very cute!

at one point i walked in to the room my sister was staying in,only to interrupt a test she was taking part in,with two other girls.
i apologised and left,and a second later,my phone rang beside my bed and woke me up.
it was my sister calling from the UK!! interrupting me! :shock:

unfortunately i didn't become lucid during it,so didn't get to ask my guide any specific questions.
tho i guess that would've been un-neccesary,as i'd already said that i'd gratefully accept whatever guidance he thought was needed.

17th August 2008, 04:57 PM
Cool dream, Neil!

I have a guide from the Pleaides too. I met him in a dream, and even though I was lucid enough to know that what he was telling me was very important, I still forgot it all when I woke up. I was dissapointed in myself for weeks afterward. The only thing I remembered was his name.

Later, I was channeling something from my higher self and asked about him and why he came to me. I was told that he came to remind me who I really am. And even though my conscious self does not remember what he said, for now, it is enough that I remember that I saw him and that we had a conversation.

Neil Templar
17th August 2008, 05:09 PM
yeah,it was cool.
i've only really asked for a guide to communicate with me a few times,and each time,it's happened.
i think i'll be doing that alot more often from now on..

it was also cool that i created a space in my mind before - a park with a circle of trees in it.
and then,right outside the library,a huge circle of trees!!
it was like MY created space had been taken and made infinitely bigger and better.

a question - if i create a space like that to meet a particular guide,should i always intend to meet with them there?
i'm sure i could come up with any space in my mind,and they'd be able to be there,but does it make things easier to stick to the same environment?
maybe as i get to know my different guides,(i know for sure that i have a female one out there,and possibly another male)
i should be creating separate places to have interactions with them.. then all i'd have to do would be meditate on that place and they'd be waiting??..

17th August 2008, 05:47 PM
a question - if i create a space like that to meet a particular guide,should i always intend to meet with them there?

That will work if you do it that way. It's like usÃÂÂ♥ng a key word in hypnosis. It's up to you. They don't need to meet in a particular place to get through to us. But, if creating a space will help you get into the right mindset and raise your vibration to meet theirs then definately do it.

then all i'd have to do would be meditate on that place and they'd be waiting??..

This may not work like you want it to. My guide does not always meet me when I want her to. She meets me when there is something that I need to know.

Remember too, that we need to raise our vibration and they have to lower theirs for effective communication to take place. For whateer reason, it doesn't always work out like we plan. Sometimes we just are not energetically compatible for communication.

I can't tell you how wonderful it is to have a good relationship with our spirit guides. There is nothing else like it. No other kind of friendship. I'm so excited for you. :D

Neil Templar
17th August 2008, 05:58 PM
thanks Mishell.
it really is exciting... i'll let you know how i get on.. :D

18th August 2008, 07:37 AM
Bruce Moen created "his own place" in one of the higher (Monroe) Focuses and met his "Helpers" there. Though the place was initially his creation, the details always expanded way beyond his initial blueprint. :)


Neil Templar
18th August 2008, 11:53 AM
Bruce Moen created "his own place" in one of the higher (Monroe) Focuses and met his "Helpers" there. Though the place was initially his creation, the details always expanded way beyond his initial blueprint. :)


kinda makes me wanna create an awesome rollercoaster and see what happens.. :wink: 8)

18th August 2008, 11:57 AM

So, why not? :)

Cool "dream", BTW. Very fascinating read. 8)


18th August 2008, 12:41 PM
That was a great experience :) 8)

20th August 2008, 11:13 AM
Bruce Moen created "his own place" in one of the higher (Monroe) Focuses and met his "Helpers" there. Though the place was initially his creation, the details always expanded way beyond his initial blueprint. :)


kinda makes me wanna create an awesome rollercoaster and see what happens.. :wink: 8)That was a fantastic dream, thanks for sharing. It sounds like it would be easier on us if we had a set place to meet. But, I think I'll pass on the rollercoaster, maybe a nice open prairie, on the ground. :D

20th August 2008, 02:37 PM
As you know I've been reading the above mentioned site (I'm about halfway through now). So last night I also asked for some guidance from my 'crew' and asked for some clarity and discernment.
So later I was in a school learning something also. This lesson was different than the others- in the past I've had tk lessons, flying, language and some social structure. This lesson was diff. but I can't remember what it was about, even. For some reason my dream journal wasn't in it's usual place and I couldn't write any keywords, so the lesson remains hidden, for now.