View Full Version : Simultaneous OBE proof ?

16th August 2008, 11:49 AM
Simultaneous OBE's occur and I'd love to see proof. I think if two people could document on video under contolled conditions that they met on the Astral plane describing what they did in separate rooms after then that would be it... no question that it is real to the general population. :) Doesn't need to be a big money thing. Thomas Campbell says he did it at The Monroe Institute and confirmed it by taping what they were experiencing in 'real time' (they trained themselves to talk whilst OOB) and listening back described the same experiences together in different booths. The problem here is that he 'says' that but where is the proof? the tapes ? Maybe someone could point me in the direction of them or something along those lines ?That would be the biggest step Astral projection could ever take IMHO. I know that it may be hard but people say they do it, so prove it.

16th August 2008, 04:52 PM
If you want proof of what Campbell did at TMI maybe you should contact TMI for your proof.
Essentially, OBE is a subjective experience, and as such can't be proven with what 'modern self proclaimed skeptics' want as evidence. So asking for proof of something highly subjective falls under the following parameters:
a) Not having the experience of OBE, therefore not understanding it's nature.
b) Having the experience of OBE but doubting it's objective reality. There's no fault in this, it's the nature of the beast.
c) Having partial understanding of OBE but not allowing for it's reality within your belief system. Desiring to disprove it and working towards that goal.

You start your sentence with: " Simultaneous OBEs occur and I'd love to see proof".
Do you mean "I believe they occur" or do you mean "they are reported to occur"?
And do you realize that there can be no proof of any of this being real? That just about any OBE verification can be explained away if this is what you wish to do? ('He read his mind, he told him what it would be', etc.)
What there can be is documentation that this stuff happens outside the parameters of coincidence and guesswork. But ultimately, you have to be the one who has the experience, validates it within your own life experiences, and either realizes that consciousness is way more expansive than we are given to believe (for the moment, anyway) or decide it isn't, in which case, that would be that.

17th August 2008, 12:04 AM
Thanks for the reply :)
Thomas Campbell mentioned that similtaneous obe's did occur and he proved it. I did contact him and he said .It is only through your own experience proof will be evident.
He said it was a long time ago and the tapes that the experiences were on may or may not be at the Monroe Institute.
Even if a skeptic classed an experience as reading the other persons mind it would be ok I think because it is solid proof that 'something' exists and would be documented .
Thomas said he did it so that is why I ask.
I need to quieten my mind :wink: