View Full Version : Dream love?

martin booker
10th August 2008, 06:17 AM
Hi guys

Over the past month or so i keep dreaming of a female that i feel i am in love with, in this dream this female may look different most times but i know its the same person it is a very strong feeling and because of this it sometimes makes me lusid.we talk and flirt but thats all there is a great closeness and it runs deep even in her company i feel content and happy,i often wake with the feeling of loss and it can get me down and distant the dream always stays with me for the rest of the day even weeks later?

Any idea what it may all be about?

10th August 2008, 06:57 AM
It sounds like your dreams are disguising astral trips to the spirit world. When we encounter a friend there it is accompanied by an intense feeling of love. I always come away feeling homesick and want to back. There have been a few times where I was able to fall asleep again and go back into the same "dream".

It could be that it is the same spirit showing you scenes from different lifetime you have shared, or it could be different spirits who are there to greet you during your travels.

Enjoy what you have there while it lasts, especially if you are lucid and are able to ask the person/spirit questions. They would, no doubt, give you some interesting answers about the way things happen when we die. Or the what it's like "over there".

I love when this happens, even though I wake up feeling a little heartbroken. While I am there, there is so much love. There is nothing else like it.

11th August 2008, 08:08 AM
Hi guys

Over the past month or so i keep dreaming of a female that i feel i am in love with, in this dream this female may look different most times but i know its the same person it is a very strong feeling and because of this it sometimes makes me lusid.we talk and flirt but thats all there is a great closeness and it runs deep even in her company i feel content and happy,i often wake with the feeling of loss and it can get me down and distant the dream always stays with me for the rest of the day even weeks later?

Any idea what it may all be about?

Ahh yeah, those dream girls (rare though) always get me thinking about them long after the dream ends. They give off a very vibrant feeling and the real world pales in comparison.

I don't have anything to add though...haha, other then that I relate totally. But I wonder if they are really something special. It's a nice thought...

8th September 2008, 11:46 PM
I have been going through the same thing but with some guy. His name will change from experience to experience and sometimes his appearence will change but I still know it is him. then I will wake up. after believing I was awake not a second before, and want to scream in agony because he's not there and I am disoriented. I have had him ask me questions and I have replied, and vice versa but I can't stop thinking about him. I have gotten to the point of when I feel like I am being 'called' I will blare my music through my headphones and shut myself out because the feelings of loss are to hard to handle... among other things. Ten minutes of contentment replaced with weeks of loss is hard to cope with. I just thought I'd let you know, I am also going through what you are... and it's been years and I still have no answers, or very little.

If you can, this helps me with the feeling of loss, write it down in a journal- how she looks, if she said anything interesting, what kind of relationship you two had, and what the main point of the dream was... that one sentance or event that chills you to the bones. Then you can look back on it and go, who are you? I have done that and the points are starting to connect but not as quickly as I would like. It also helps to talk to someone who knows what you are going through.


9th September 2008, 04:08 AM
Yieks,me too or is it ,me three,lol! I've had numerous dreams about us-me and him and I even saw him like 2 years ago.I don't even want to talk about it anymore.Everytime I want to move on and to find someone real ,something bad happens to me and I either fall down or some freak accident or I cut myself on my leg and almost bled to death.What is this?! Strangely,I have a strong sense of deja vue as I type this as if I've done this before.Maybe a dream ? :roll: :shock:

9th September 2008, 06:51 PM
Yieks,me too or is it ,me three,lol! I've had numerous dreams about us-me and him and I even saw him like 2 years ago.I don't even want to talk about it anymore.Everytime I want to move on and to find someone real ,something bad happens to me and I either fall down or some freak accident or I cut myself on my leg and almost bled to death.What is this?! Strangely,I have a strong sense of deja vue as I type this as if I've done this before.Maybe a dream ? :roll: :shock:

Can I hug you? That is exactly what has been happening to me. Of course one thing that is different is some male voice started yelling at one guy I dated for... a week *sigh* and told him to, and I qoute, "Leave her alone." and "Get out." Ah, so protective... I remember that night being in that lucid dream like state and "mystery guy" was royally mad. Let's just say, I have just said 'fine' and am just giving up on trying to find someone real because I can't recieve anymore scars on my thighs or living in a fog for months on end. I have burried myself in research that is completely different from him so I don't go insane. And as far as Deja vu, I feel like that is the only world I live in lately, and it is creepy, remembering something else is supposed to happen but not remembering what it is until it happens.