View Full Version : Story Dreams

8th August 2008, 07:37 PM
Does anyone else have dreams with really long and comparatively complicated plot lines? I'm starting to think that I need to keep a dream journal, because some of my dreams are just awesome.

Sometimes it's almost like watching a movie. Bits and pieces of it are really fuzzy when I wake up, but a lot of the time I remember the general storyline. I don't always have these dreams, but when I do there's almost always a Mary Sue kind of thing going on. I'm either really badass at something (like being a fighter pilot) or I've got some kind of super powers that I'm trying to use to save the day. It's not always a cakewalk (what's the point of the story if there's no suspense!?) but I usually manage to win in the end. A lot of times there seems to be almost a split-mind thing going...sometimes it seems like simultaneously it's in first person and I'm also watching the "show" from a distance. Either that or it'll flicker back and forth between the POVs. I usually never derive any kind of meaning from these dreams because I don't sense any there...it's more along the lines of "well that was fun!"

I used to have REALLY trippy dreams when I was kid. Strange beyond strange. I remember one very vaguely where I went out amongst the stars, and experienced all sorts of different kinds of planetary and cosmic formations. In some the very laws of existence were totally different, and things would happen that just weren't possible (as well as something I don't think I could have made up while awake...they were TRIPP-EH).

Sometimes I look forward to falling asleep, cuz I hope that I'll have another kickass dream. Occasionally I'll have a disturbing one, but those are pretty rare for me, especially these days.

Neil Templar
8th August 2008, 07:50 PM
i have all of those things happening in dreams - split POVs,super powers,saving the world etc..
amazing dreams but i can't see any symbolism at work,or don't feel any meaning behind them.
all the time.

it's definitely a good idea to keep a dream journal.
it'll train you to have better memory recall,and allow you to look back and maybe find some meaning in them at a later date...

when we're asleep,is when we're most alive!!