View Full Version : Why Do NEW Techniques Cause My Physical Heart To Race?

8th August 2008, 12:07 PM
Dear Robert,

I am a long time fan of your work. I want to thank you for all the knowledge you have given us in your books.

I do have a problem however. If I am in a trance and try to do NEW techniques it causes my physical heart to race (100% its my physical heart), and it breaks the trance. I want to combine trance and new because it seems the energy sensations I feel in a trance are much stronger than normal.

Do you have any ideas or suggestions.

Thank you.



Robert Bruce
15th January 2009, 10:36 AM

Two possibilities, if this is your real heart and not your heart center...which feels exactly like this.

I would like you to somehow take your pulse to determine this....its identical...and racing heartbeat is common in altered states.

1. This could be caused by a breathing problem, by you forgetting to breathe. Observe this and see if this is happening. Then take action to make sure your breathing continues at a healthy rate during altered state work.

2. This could be caused by a psychological core image of a trauma being triggered. In this case, it would only happen when you worked on a particular area of your body. If this is so, do core image work on that area.
