View Full Version : Two questions for Robert.

5th August 2008, 12:26 AM
Hello Robert!,

I have a few questions I have been trying to figure out, but have not had any success.

1. I've been told that because I have seen a lot of crap in my life (military,war) and probably past lives as well, that my third eye is closed off for my protection. When I meditate or practice NEW, I feel strong sensations in the third eye area. I've been practicing for over a year now. I have had numerous OBEs and my RTZ/Astral sight is very clear. Any thoughts on why I haven't been able to see lights, auras, or anything via third eye yet, in meditation or in a waking state? (I do feel energy quite well).

2. I read your story about your physical abduction in the 80s and a few years after that as well. Any luck finding an answer in the Akashic Records?

Thank you very much,

Robert Bruce
15th January 2009, 10:31 AM

If your third eye is blocked, this is due to subconscious processes, and from your higher self. Use affirmations to open this center for the abilities you mention. This works well.

Verbal affirmations are much more effective, btw. See my posts on this in my blog 'the great secret' and 'the great shortcut'


2. I have not recovered this memory yet, but plan to do a hypnotic regression some time this year with my son, Ben....he's a hypnotherapist now.

I shall let you know.

Its almost like this memory is timed for release...I just have to find the right trigger.
