View Full Version : A dream, punishment of a friend

30th July 2008, 08:04 PM
Here this was a dream a while ago...

There was a friend at least he considered me a friend. This was another world with another rules and society.
Everybody believed in the system. So my friend did too...
He committed a crime and as it was customary he gave himself up as a good citizen.
I do not know what was his crime.
He was judged to die. There was a machine, he had to lie on. There was a public servant whose job was to push a button, that is to execute him. The machine was located in a huge building. The building was circular
with great inner space. In the middle of the building , there was a vertical empty space. It was tall with many levels. Each level consisted of a circular hall.
However, my friend wanted me to push the button. It was an honor in that world to push the button for a friend. This was allowed and accepted but it had to be done within a time limit.
I did not appear as he wanted to press the button. He was executed.
That was the dream.

30th July 2008, 10:18 PM
How did this dream make you feel?

19th October 2009, 04:26 PM
I thought it was none of my business..
I got involved in something I did not want to....
I did not feel it was honorable to execute the guy,....
The whole thing looked stupid.