View Full Version : can project with ingury??

26th July 2008, 07:54 PM
i am practising for AP for two months every single moment i can, today i cut my finger on foot with axe...went to the doctor...get two stitches....
can i trying AP anyway?....does energy rising, transe,projection atempt...increase my blood rythm?, becouse the doctor warn me against it(too quick blood rythm-becouse ingury)..
want to do best i can....thanks

Robert Bruce
14th January 2009, 08:01 AM

Injuries will sometimes enhance OBE ability.

I see no medical reasons why OBE should not be done, as OBE practice involves deep physical and mental relaxation.

Painful injuries enhance obe because they keep the body mind connection alive, and allow stronger downloads of OBE and dream memory. This is because pain causes frequent arousals during sleep and each arousal offers another opportunity to download an OBE memory.
