View Full Version : Problem with THE BOUNCE xD

25th July 2008, 03:41 PM
Ok well I was moving along rather smoothly with my MAP course but I seem to have hit a bit of a snag, the Bounce! I simply don't understand what I'm supposed to be doing. If someone with a bit more experience could break it down and elaborate on what it is and how it compares to sponging that would be awesome! Thanks in advance :D

25th July 2008, 04:24 PM
Sponging is the act of creating localized sensation in a part of your body. The object of sponging is creating feeling with thought. Right?
Bouncing is teaching your mind to find itself in parts of your body without looking, and making the energy move.
Once sponging has stimulated the ebody (and has produced sensations that help you identify 'where you are'), bouncing simply moves your awareness through that energy body.
So bouncing does not produce strong sensations, it makes you 'know' where the 'parts' are that you're moving.

One example: You are going to 'do' your right leg.
So you start (or should) brushing the outside of your feet, and the outside of your legs and thighs. Then, you move on to sponging. You imagine your sponge/or energy ball on the inside of your body, scrubbing away. You do your foot, your leg, all the way to your thigh.
At this point you should 'know' what your leg looks like without looking, simply from the tingly feeling.
Now, you will imagine a ball inside your leg, and will bounce the ball as if you had a tennis (let's say) ball inside of your leg, and it will bounce from the foot all the way to the upper thigh. So you imagine a bouncy ball inside going where it can, bouncing up & down in your leg.
This exercise is not to help you feel, sponging did that. (But you may, and that's ok too.)
This exercise helps you direct your awareness in a quick way through your body, and by doing this it actually moves the energy in a fast way, helping the flow, and training you to 'throw' your awareness, something important for energy body loosening later on in the program.
I hope this cleared things up some.

25th July 2008, 08:51 PM
Beautiful response, thank you for that clarification CFT :D

25th July 2008, 09:45 PM
I'm glad it was understandable. :)

28th June 2009, 01:22 PM
At this point you should 'know' what your leg looks like without looking, simply from the tingly feeling.
Now, you will imagine a ball inside your leg, and will bounce the ball as if you had a tennis (let's say) ball inside of your leg, and it will bounce from the foot all the way to the upper thigh. So you imagine a bouncy ball inside going where it can, bouncing up & down in your leg.
This exercise is not to help you feel, sponging did that. (But you may, and that's ok too.)
This exercise helps you direct your awareness in a quick way through your body, and by doing this it actually moves the energy in a fast way, helping the flow, and training you to 'throw' your awareness, something important for energy body loosening later on in the program.

OH I SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! So the fact that I'm not getting physical sensations during bouncing is actually correct? I've been thinking I'm not doing it right because although my mind is aware of moving up and down my legs, I get no physical sensation with it like I do with sponging (I prefer to use a sponge, it brings more 'feelings').

28th June 2009, 05:02 PM
Sounds about right.

Kevin Bridges
29th January 2010, 12:35 AM
The bounce is essentially the same as sponging, but much faster. Using the word bounce helps your imagination. Being that the energy work is done with the mind, the imagination is your best tool.

Imagine if R.Bruce had just said, "Now, sponge it back and forth, a hundred times a minute!" Pushing something back and forth that fast is an exhausting thought. To think of the energy as bouncing, however, when something bounces it automatically is going back the other direction. You could also think of dribbling a basketball, which is much easier than washing a window at that speed!

The real problem I've found people running into is that their legs (for instance) simply won't let energy go through them that fast, yet. When you get some practice, and energy movements are as natural as hand movements (which they will become) then bouncing energy will seem like second nature.