View Full Version : taking a shower with the Scorpion King

24th July 2008, 11:42 AM
Today I had a dream that I colored my hair. I got in the shower to wash out the color and as the lather rinsed out, it fell into the tub as scorpions. It was kind of creepy, but I was not scared, even though they were on my feet and crawling up the shower curtain. Then I noticed the brand of hair color I bought was called Scorpion King. :lol: I thought Well, then it makes sense...

I got out of the tub and noticed that the scorpions actually looked like scarabs. Then I rinsed them all down the drain.

The weirdest thing about this dream was that I was not lucid. I always have some degree of lucidity. But this was just a dream.

24th July 2008, 12:00 PM
:lol: That's great

24th July 2008, 01:15 PM
Here's what I think- it's possible that the Scorpion used to be your animal totem, and you are 'washing it out of your hair'.
I wonder what your next totem will be? Be on the lookout for another animal dream, methinks.
(Methinks? :shock: )

24th July 2008, 07:08 PM
:lol: sometimes I get so perplexed with my dreams and get caught up in too much analysis that I wonder why my mind just don't tell me how it is, not what its like. Like having a telepathic communication with a projected self talking to me with firmlove...instead of me meeting Madonna in my dream like I did the other night, dressed in the same clothes,I could just have a 'me' appear, and say..'hey April, (thumb wagging)you need to be more...' :roll:

25th July 2008, 08:19 AM
Be on the lookout for another animal dream, methinks.

You must have programed my dreams. Last night I dreamed about a white tiger, a zebra, and a white water buffalo.