View Full Version : Thot's Book

23rd July 2008, 10:53 PM
Dear Sir,

¿Where can I find reliable essay on "Emerald Tablets of Thot" (aka "Thot's Book"), wrote by non mainstream scholars (potentially skeptic "specialists")..?

¿Has you wrote some essay on that document..?

Some references label Thot as "Thot, the atlantean...". ¿Has validity such a title..?

A text entitled The Emerald Tablets of Thoth-The-Atlantean has been claimed to have been translated by a man named Doreal. The introduction claims them to be written by an Atlantean Priest-King named Thoth, who settled a colony in Egypt after Atlantis sank. Doreal further claims the texts are 36,000 years old.[41]

Ref.: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thoth

Thank you very much...


Robert Bruce
14th January 2009, 07:58 AM

Some claims date the emerald tablet 50k years ago.

some say Thot (also called Thoth and many other names) came to earth on a spaceship.

I am not aware of any particularly good translation of treatise on this text.

One area to research on this would be Hermetics, and Hermetic societies and writings.

If you find a good one, please let me know.
