View Full Version : jumpy dream people?
martin booker
22nd July 2008, 09:06 AM
I was wondering if anyone else out there has this happen to them?
i have been having a dream e.g in a mall and crowds of people will be doing whatever it is they are doing and I'm kind of just watching, but not an active part,then there will be a shift/lusidness come over me and i am there in the crowd and people turn to look at me as if i just fell out of the sky or something? i wasn't there but now i am? these people actually look startled.Another thing is each reaction is unique i mean with an individual intelligent reaction to what just happened.
But its my dream right? or is it :?:
Kind Regards.Martin
22nd July 2008, 02:47 PM
There is a theory regarding dreams that classifies them as 'kind of projections'- that is you are projecting into your own individual space in the astral that is usually populated by aspects of yourself-projected aspect of yourself. Every once in a while, the theory goes, there will be 'visitors' to the dream- that is, perhaps other projectors, or even projected doubles of people that are dreaming, which will 'wander' off their own dream and go into yours. Of course this implies some sort of spacial ordination, but it makes sense in terms of other's experiences. I have for example become lucid in a dream, and left the confines of it, and wandered into other regions, and the interesting thing is that I went through what seemed like a physical barrier. I have also gone into other people's dreams and observed- other times my husband (and lately my son too) have had shared dreams, in which each of us has their own role in it.
So anyway, it's possible that you entered someone else's dream environment- were at it's borderline and merged or phased into it, and all the people were shocked to see you, because they were someone else's aspects playing out their own psychodrama- until you appeared and intruded on the 'script/message'.
Just speculation, obviously.
24th July 2008, 06:25 PM
Yeh i have done that too. But it's always one person at a time as apposed to many.
There is a feeling that accompanies any projection. It is usually a congruent feeling of certainty, and you just can't help 'knowing' that what you have experienced was a real interaction with others, and it wasn't just parts of your psyche that was being witnessed. Only you will know. If you feel you were projecting, maybe try and achieve it again with intent, to these people, and try interact with them, see what it's all about. I have been able to 'go back and enter' a dream after waking up, carrying on where it left off, to see where it leads :)
25th July 2008, 02:27 AM
A sensation of falling, or feeling like you fell off the bed but didn't physically, is a sign of astral projecting. I have had conscious astral projections; aware I'm going out of body during the experience. In most people's cases though, they are unconscious or dreaming, and so they shrug the falling sensation off as a dream. But there was far more happening than just a dream.
The problem is the astral body, or dream body, is controlled, usually, by the subconscious. Your conscious mind/body is laying there sleeping, or in a semi-conscious trance, while your subconscious is kicking in and your spirit turned loose.
I'm not saying every time you jump during sleep, it's an astral experience. But at least some of the times, it is.
martin booker
26th July 2008, 09:16 AM
Yes, do you think you jolt before or after a projection?
I was on holiday with a friend and he could not sleep for the first few nights, he would just jolt i was in the same room and in a bed a few feet away and this guy would jump a foot into the air! it was crazy to just watch.He would just say wow i don't know what wrong with me and I'm like hmm, i didn't tell him wat i really thought it was :wink: is there a reason for it ?was it the place we were staying? he said that he never jolted so much in his life as he did in the first few days in that room, i also jolt a lot when going inward and on the brink of sleep and its very annoying i feel like just tripped over or something. :roll:
26th July 2008, 04:45 PM
I'm very confused- I thought the original post was about how dream people react to your presence in a dream (jumpy meaning startled), then it goes to falling sensations during sleep and projection, and now we're talking about people becoming lucid because they can fly/jump? :?
I guess it's a jumpy topic?
martin booker
26th July 2008, 10:08 PM
I'm very confused- I thought the original post was about how dream people react to your presence in a dream (jumpy meaning startled), then it goes to falling sensations during sleep and projection, and now we're talking about people becoming lucid because they can fly/jump? :?
I guess it's a jumpy topic?
Ha sorry CTF i guess its a little mixed up :oops: i will try to stick to the topic in question im a bit af a scatter brain with a lot of questions :? :wink:
27th July 2008, 02:37 AM
Sometimes I'm easily confused.
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