View Full Version : Article - Lesson on dreams

21st July 2008, 09:12 PM
This is an interesting take on dreams. a quick read. If your boss turns into a bear during a dream, give it honey!

here is the link:

21st July 2008, 10:20 PM
My favorite quote from it:
Control your dreams completely and they are useless -- they have to be able to talk back

22nd July 2008, 08:04 AM
Yeh LOL. Nice site Sleeper. I still having trouble controlling mine. I been sticking my thumb through my palm every hour or so, for numerous days now, and still nothing. :( I'll give it another week or so, and if I can't do it I'll have to change tactics

22nd July 2008, 12:36 PM
That was great thanx for posting 8)

new baby
12th August 2008, 09:11 AM
Interesting article and approach.

Aprilia, don't worry about controlling your dreams. I am trying for a while and no succes yet, but I do feel that I am making some progress. Just keep on trying. I am reading now Carlos Castaneda - The art of dreaming and he spent SEVEN month trying before he had his first successful dream.
