View Full Version : Need immediate help with this one

21st July 2008, 01:31 PM
I'm not sure where to post this so any help on this would be great!!!
I among many others have always though my son to be "special". I'm told this even by strangers constantly. He draws special attention everywhere without even trying. Then again I'm a little bias him being my boy.
My 8 year old son has been telling me he has visions of the future. He has been telling me this for roughly 1 year now.
Without getting into me Ill give you a very brief history. I too had this among many other abilities as a child, but not quite like this. I was told to ignore them and suppress them which I did. They have recently returned and I'm trying to work with them.
My son just told me he has the ability to have his other self leave his body and visit areas and talk to people who tell him of things to come. He told me he has lived before and remembers his past lives. I asked him if he can control it, He sad yes. I asked him to do it. He closed his eyes and got real still and quiet for a minute and said I just did it Daddy. I asked him if it hurt he said no but if feels real weird when he goes back into his body. My son basically has no idea about organized religion. Although he does know about God. We talked about death and what will happen during the change and he said good then Ill be with my other Self when I die. Anyone who knows an 8 year old boy, its like pulling teeth to get any info out of them.
With this type of advanced Gift at such an early age, the thing I most do not want to do is suppress his ability.
What direction do I go in? Does anyone know of any accepting avenues I can explore to help him understand and work with and not be afraid of his abilities?
Please help
Thanks for your reply

21st July 2008, 01:43 PM
Hello, Vibra.

My personal opinion is it would be best to just talk with your boy about the experiences, to share his world with him without trying to pry it from him. Don't give him judgements about what happens, keep your opinions neutral if you can when he asks you. Then IMO experiences will unfold naturally for him.

I also believe doing some protection prayer with him might help if he generally believes in God. Simply asking for God's protection through his travels might help build a feeling of being safe and give confidence.

Frankly, I wouldn't bring organised religion into this. These experiences are not completely out of the scope of religion, but religions tend to prefer putting labels on experiences and to direct experiences instead of letting them unfold as they are. Nobody should feel bad for what they are or for their experiences, even if there are people who believe otherwise.

From reading your post I guess you are doing just fine. The abilities your boy exposes are the potential in all of us.

Take good care,

21st July 2008, 02:25 PM
Hi Vibra.
I'm the mother of an 11-year old boy who came into this world under very special circumstances, which are besides the point. He also demonstrated telepathic abilities (at least with me) at a young age, although this may be true of everyone. My son also projects (I've actually seen him during my projections) and we've talked about it much more now than when he was younger. The way I handled this delicate subject (and I consider it delicate, and I'll get to why in a moment).
The reason I believe it's important to broach (or handle, in this case) the subject is because children tend to have lots of nightmares, and we tend to tell them 'it's not real', and this conditions them to then treat their projections as such and eventually dismiss them. The problem I found when we had to have the talk, was that my son was having night terrors, which I thought might me more than that. At that moment I realized it was a double edged sword.
So the way I handled it was to explain the process as phasing- in which you get out of your body but not completely, and the things you meet out there are a combination of things you created and things that exist. The scary threatening things are symbols of your fears or things that worry you, and the everyday things you see (like your neighbor's house, the dog, etc.) are real. This way he was not expecting or threatened by negative entities. Then I showed him how he could control the scary aspects of the projection and how he could turn his 'dream creations' into stupid things (like the boggarts in Harry Potter) and lo and behold, it worked. He began to control the negative aspects of his nightmares and projections, and when he projected and encountered borderline things, he was able to control them.
He is getting older and being raised in the context of my own faith, which is metaphysical christianity, because of other reasons we can talk about if you wish.
Of course, when it comes to it, it's your child and your call on how to handle these things.
This is just some experience from someone who 'is there, is doing that'. :wink:

21st July 2008, 03:31 PM
Thanks for your speedy reply.
I too was raised heavily Catholic. We do not attent church for various reasons the most profound being, I do not want him to be closed minded of all the possibilities not explored or put down by some religions.
He has never really had night terrors for the most part. I lay with him and we talk nightly just before he goes to sleep. He used to ask what to do if the bad guys come. I discussed with him what to do in his dreams. Take control and relax tell the bad guys "I am not the one you want just leave me alone".
He was born without the ability to speak and still has word retrieval issues. He was also born with sight problems which has made him have 5 surgeries. We have had him in speach therapy since 2 1/2 years old. During his last surgery, 5 years old, he later told us he dosent want any more because he said "I dont want to die yet",textbook NDE. Watched everyone working on him, very bright, God among many others were there, they talked, he went back to his body and woke up. He was never scared of this and if asked he speaks openly of it. I believe during the time of his speach and sight obstacles he developed his meatphysical abilities.
He has also discussed with me seeing beings in our house. Green light beings. He said they are not mean at all. My wife and myself have also seen these beings. They seem to meen no harm to anyone. He has been discussing his visions with me on a regular basis. Again he is 8 and well you know little boys, especially with his issues its a little tough to get the info in real time from him. What has recently transpired is the ability to project at will. The sensations he describes are textbook AP including reentering the body. Also his thought on reincarnation. He says he has lived before and knows things and can see the future. I dont want him to supress these special abilities. That was done to me at an early age.
There is way,way too much to get into here and I dont want to make it about me. He is me at a young age as I remember much of what he is talking about happening to me. I taught myself to ignore dont pay attention to it (What I know now,God I wish I haden't). Abused drugs and alcohol to supress throughout my early teens through 35ish.
Does this happen to all children. I only have one and have nothing to gage it on exept my own experiences.

I am very happy for him and wish to support him so he is not afraid of his gifts.

21st July 2008, 05:59 PM
Something came to mind: Green aura color is associated with the heart chakra. Healing comes to mind, too.


21st July 2008, 06:02 PM
I only have one kid also, so I couldn't tell you if this happens to everyone at this age, but I suspect it does. I was recently talking to my super skeptical brother and he finally seemed interested in my more esoteric pursuits, and when I described a typical OBE his face lit up and he told me he used to do this as a child, and he had forgotten about it. So, I do think this does happen to all kids, but because of fear it becomes suppressed. I don't blame society or anything like this for that, because I realize this suppression is a defense mechanism, after all you don't want to tell your child that everything is real, but it has to be handled delicately if they're at all sensitive.
Good luck and God bless.

21st July 2008, 06:26 PM
My brother and I had many similar experiences, particularly with the blue and green light beings, astral projection, etc., as children, but we learned to suppress it, or in my case, just don't talk about it.

I talk to as many people about this stuff as possible, and find that most people have an open mind, when it's just the two of us,and they talk about some of the experiences they've had. Interestingly, they just seem to forget most of it - I get a lot of people coming back to me days, weeks and months later to say: "hey, i just remembered something from 30 years ago," etc. so it seems extremely common, but people block it out of their memories and have to work to get it back.

you got fantastic advice already in this thread; i just want to add that you may want to write as much of his experiences down as possible. It's going to lay a foundation for his beliefs later in life, no matter what you do, but writing it down will give you and him something to look back on. it will also help with his memory retention, which is super important in this, on many levels.

14th February 2009, 08:23 AM
I would do 3 things;

1. Keep a journal with a date, time, and description. Maybe prepare a list of questions to practice in going into details to sharpen his memory and ability to communicate.

2. Meditate with your son, just by sitting quietly, for 10 min a day on him practicing it, to develop a routine and maintain it, so he doesn't lose it.

3. If he sees into the future, then ask him something simple like an event tomorrow, then next week, then next month. If precise time is too difficult, pick an anniversary or special day coming up. You can also pick up some ESP cards to practice sending and receiving thoughts.

These are some techniques I would use to develop or maintain the gifts, and I have used successfully in the past for myself.

P.S. Ask things about the new president Obama and see what his other self says…curious.

27th February 2009, 08:58 PM
Hello Everyone,

I'm new to this group... I've searched often on "green light beings" and this is the first time this string has come up. It's a relief to hear others' perceptions that these beings are "not harmful at all" -- but are they "good?" And, where are they from? The ones I encountered were roughly human-sized, diffusely humanoid-shape, made entirely of green light. This happened about 10 years ago. I have written a rough-draft story which I'll share with anyone who's had related experiences. I am still trying to sort out what happened to me, not without some concern that I was tricked.

Lately, I've run across so much material to the effect that there are "bad ETs" (and this is assuming that "ETs" can be interdimensional, as many researchers have agreed) -- Beings from other systems who sometimes deceive humans into believing that they are being helped, when this is not the case at all. Needless to say, I am hoping this is not what happened to me.

Okay, I realize this all will sound bizarre, but please know I am completely sincere.

Ten years ago, I not only encountered two green light beings; I was "modified" by them, apparently with my own agreement, which happened on a level which bypassed my conscious mind -- these beings sewed small, brilliant crystals into all my chakras -- it was my understanding that this was meant to help me somehow; to "get on my true life path" and ultimately, become some form of healer. (I have done just that. I went from being an IT engineer to a hypnotherapist/meridian/energy healer -- in addition to changing my entire life, moving cross-country, and 6 years ago, contracting LYME disease of all things. I have continued my life path throughout the Lyme, and am healing. It's been an amazing journey...much of it quite painful, though.)

About ten years ago, I began meditating with Hem-Sync and other brainwave soundtracks, and going into very long, deep meditations. In these meditations, I had a strong sense of simultaneously being shown prior (?) lifetime initiatic experiences, while also being "interviewed" by some unknown beings (and I did feel that my "higher self" was involved) -- Interviewed in a way that somehow bypassed my conscious mind. I was apparently being interviewed regarding readiness to embark on a sort of modern-day shamanic-type quest, to both heal myself of much emotional wounding, and to use what I learned to heal others.

In the experience where the actual "sign-up" appeared to take place, I was led by a guide (human-type) I'd met in meditation, to a gigantic pyramid, which I went into and then traveled through the top -- I then found myself suspended in a starry black sky, floating in a sort of light tube. These beings first transmitted purple and red energy through my hands and feet, and then sewed (seems a little archaic) crystals into my chakras. It was sort of a "by the time it's happening, it's too late to say no" situation. But again, there was the sense that this was what I agreed to.

And thus began an unbelievable 10-year QUEST.

I realize this is all very strange-sounding, but I am completely sincere and would appreciate any feedback. Since that time, I've worked with various shamans, healers and teachers of many kinds. "Arcturus" keeps coming up as being somehow related to these Beings, but their appearance doesn't jive with what I've read of "channeled Arcturian information." (Since that experience, I have read a great many very strange books.)

SO---- anybody else have anything along this line? I am very curious to hear details about anyone's experience with these beings.

Thanks very much!

My hypnosis/consciousness Website: nenaya.org

27th February 2009, 09:12 PM
I have had similar experiences as you (the initiatic experience, the 'being messed with', the interrogation (in my case it was like a job application, believe me)- but I have to say that it is my opinion that the form that these experiences take are mostly symbolic- so that the attaching something gem-like to your chakras may symbolize something else, and not necessarily be literal in form.
As to why we have some of these may be also symbolic of some sort of 'plan' we have, or something else altogether. Although I have no dramatic insights as to this, I can only say that I can understand your sense of wonder about what this means.
I for one see it as a positive, as some sort of Higher-Self directed transformational experience.
But what do I know. :wink:

ps. Please do not duplicate posts.