View Full Version : A lovely lucid dream this morning

19th July 2008, 07:45 PM
just to share...

I was engaged in a gangstar shootout in a block of flats with The Beatles ( :lol: ). It was dark. I sensed this symbolised an ego battle. I was shot dead and became lucid, I flew out of the nearest window and appeared in my back garden looking down on my two cats, I flew into the air, elated, soaring through the treetops gazing in awe down upon my hometown below me. the direction i flew from was dark, but ahead of me was the first rays of the new rising sun. i was faced with an intuitive choice of two directions to take, inland or to the coast, the intuitive impressions I got from these two choices were nothing that can be compared to anything experienced at this level. It was as if one colour/ emotion/ soul flavour?? would be the theme of the story to unfold in one direction and another variety for the other, though both would be joyful. I flew over my town towards the coast, but woke up shortly after.

accompanying the visual symbolism of this dream however was a clear, intuitive message. the message was that there is never a need to change any situation/conversation/thought etc. if it is negative, the basic framework can remain the same but to mearly swap the darkness for light, easy. I got the feeling that it was just the same as replacing one vase on the shelf with another.

a lovely experience.