View Full Version : Monkeys!

18th July 2008, 10:16 AM
A vivid one. Don't know what it was about though.

Mon 14th July, 2008

I'm in a wide vehicle (recurring dream motif) with two rows of people in front of me. I have no access to accelerator or brake, so I ask if anyone in the front row does. (In a previous dream I had worked out I could control the wide vehicle with my mind but it was forgotten in this dream).

We stop at an unusual monument. It's a huge, upright rectangular slab of rock. Across the top is a row of three or four monkey statues and another sits at the base posed so its hand is open. I watch a child take a white stone disc and place it in the monkey's hand. Instantly animated, the monkey scrambles to the top of the column. It passes the disc to the next monkey, which becomes animate and passes the disc along animating the other monkeys in turn.

I think this is wonderful and am keen to have a go. I take the disc and it becomes putty in my hands. The original monkey has returned to its position and becomes stone again. I re-animate it and the process repeats.

Now my friend C wants to have a go but things go wrong. One of the monkeys attaches a long cord like a bungee cord to her shirt and she is instantly flung skyward. The visual imagery of this dream is utterly astounding.

Our group is instantly alarmed. As she comes plummeting back, her husband grabs her and tries to keep her grounded but now they're both flung skyward. On their return he lets her go.

As she returns again, I run to her and unhook the cord. It flies upwards and she is relieved and sobbing.

18th July 2008, 11:01 AM
Rotten monkeys!!
I was at work last night cleaning a shelf and it fell off, and all the little shrubs that was at the back of the shelf that I didn't know was there was all de-potted and squashed, I was putting them all back together when I realized I was back in the olden days, complete with the old members of staff and residents that had left/died years ago. then I was dishing out soup to the residents of the nursing home, and realized it was cold and their wasn't enough soup left for minnie, and so I was sad.(i loved minnie) so I went round all the rooms and collected the slops from the other resident's and put some in a bowl for her. Ewww. Don't know what that was all about!

18th July 2008, 11:04 AM
I really hope that was a dream, Aprilla! :lol:

Poor plant! Poor Minnie! :lol:

19th July 2008, 07:27 AM
You know, Aprilla, as silly as our dreams seemed, after a bit of thought they both made a kind of sense:

The "back of the shelf" is where you find the things that have been pushed behind and forgotten. To be "all de-potted and squashed", is to be damaged with the potential loss of life. "I was putting them all back together when I realized I was back in the olden days," may mean that you've been doing some kind of restorative work reminiscent of the work you did with others in the past. That your dream was "complete with the old members of staff and residents that had left/died years ago," speaks of something pushed to the back at that time, perhaps. It may suggest you don't forget those normally forgotten by society but it may suggest things were seeded back then but not given a chance to grow. Something supporting this potential has recently slipped away, perhaps.

When you dished soup you were trying to sustain others and/or a part of yourself that you (now) identify with these people, especially Minnie. Since it was cold you may feel your action came too late or was insufficient. Still, you did something. When there "wasn't enough soup left for Minnie", and so you were sad, you realised your resources were limited. Your dream may be telling you about the need to replenish these.You did what you could -"(i loved minnie) so I went round all the rooms and collected the slops from the other resident's and put some in a bowl for her. Ewww." This tells me though that you're not giving the part of you Minnie represents her due.

My dream, I've decided, was about my stilling the "monkey mind". We'd had folk over for dinner that night, C and her husband among them. I had been surprised at how well I'd settled my mind before sleep (unusual for me when stimulated before bedtime).

19th July 2008, 12:52 PM
:D Nice interpretation there beekeeper!!.Minnie was loveable, but too soft and would do anything to please ...no wonder the soup ran out :mrgreen: and there's me trying to revive that aspect of myself. I never did give her the soup, cold or not, the dream was telling me to stop trying to bring back the people pleasing pattern, especially at work.
Thanks for the feedback