View Full Version : what was this all about..??

16th July 2008, 10:45 PM
I have been a bit perplexed about something, but come to no conclusions about what it was...so I thought about asking you guys to see if you have any experience with this sort of thing. It has never happened before.
The other week, I had dream of being robbed of money. I never saw the robber, but I had money stolen from my account. I have never dreamt of this before. .Then the night after, I dreamt of going to the bank to check, and nearly fainting when I was told one of my accounts was missing.
this puzzled me, so I went to check(2 or 3 dreams on the row is a alarm bell for me, )and asked the manager to check all 3 accounts. 2 was fine. but the other one he could not find, he couldn't find the account on the computer. I sat with him while he checked for half an hour. No sign of said account. I began to get concerned, but it was closing time on friday and was told he wouldn't be able to check again until monday. So I went home quite shocked, wondering where the 'account' had actually gone...and so it bothered me all weekend...and was tearful as it was my children's account.( it was possible someone could steal the money, because the statements and account number where in fact being sent to my last address, as the bank had not ammended it, this was confirmed)and the person who lived there, I had been dreaming of lately, he was watching me in my dreams
I didn't go to the bank on that Monday, nor did I go all week to check. In fact, I only went today. I went with the state of mind that I had mustered over the few weeks that it was surely gone and that the money obviously wasn't mine to begin with and so, i accepted it.when I went in to open up another account today, I was shocked that the account had turned up and the money was intact :o

UH? what on earth?
please someone tell me they have had dreams like this

16th July 2008, 10:54 PM
I am beginning to think some clever spirits are 'testing' out my reactivity, manipulating my dreams and sitting back and enjoying the show :lol:

The reason I say this, is because I was robbed once...someone knicked £350 from the bank, and i didn't know(nor dream about it) but i couldnt find my cash card. so i halted the account on that friday night. i went out that night, and in the pub kept finding £10 notes in the same place(3 times within the hour or so) on the floor at the bar. I joked to my friend, and said i'd probably had my account robbed and all my money was gone, and some spirit was feeling sorry for me by leaving money on the floor...turned out when i went to the bank on the monday i was robbed that friday afternoon, someone had somehow gotten into my bag and stole my cashcard.

17th July 2008, 02:31 AM
I was going to say you're precognitive, but after the second account I think you may be right about the spirits or guides. Maybe it's a lesson to listen to your hunches.

17th July 2008, 03:31 AM
I went with the state of mind that I had mustered over the few weeks that it was surely gone and that the money obviously wasn't mine to begin with and so, i accepted it.when I went in to open up another account today, I was shocked that the account had turned up and the money was intact
That sounds to me like releasing in order to gain or retrieve. It's a pretty common lesson that we all have to learn. Detachment.

However, the rest of what ended up happening is odd. I think there may, indeed, be some precog going on.

17th July 2008, 07:30 AM
aprilla, was that whole thing a dream? Even to the point of finding the account still intact?

I don't think it was really about money but something you value. I think the message is be carefull where you put your resources. Don't put your eggs in one basket sort of thing.

17th July 2008, 08:09 AM
No, the dream ended when I woke up after I dreamt the account missing...the rest was waking reality. :)
It is a lesson about detatchment, no doubt, and listening to hunches, both are valuable to me right now, as loss of self trust, and attatchment have been the two biggest issues for me these last couple of years.
It's amazing actually, that dreams can and will find a way into our personal development when we wish to shut ourselves off from reality :lol: