View Full Version : RC via text messaging

15th July 2008, 01:33 AM
As I find it challenging to remind myself to do regular Reality Checks throughout the day, I’ve thought up an idea that may help.

This idea involves giving repeated Reality Checks throughout the day to a small list of people who can receive direct calls on their cell/voice mail/SMS (text message).

I am limiting this little experiment to the first 5 people who show interest. I have SkypeOut and can call North American cell phones for free and leave Text Messages for super cheap. When you agree to participate you will not have to spend one dime (except if it costs you to receive calls on your cell, answer voice mail or check your Text Messages).

A typical day will include you answering a morning message (either voice mail or SMS or both). I will make the call sometime between 4 - 5am PST. I will just give you a nudge for the start of your day; something like, “You will do numerous Reality Checks throughout the day.”

Then, throughout the day, there will be several calls to your cell phone, which you may answer live, or let them go to voice mail. I may send an SMS. It may be something like this, “Look at your surroundings. Examine them carefully. Look for any signs that it may be a dream. Is it a dream? Are your dreaming right now?”

Due to my schedule throughout a typical day, the longest time between messages will be 4 hours. I will attempt to make 4 - 6 connections with you each day, maybe more if this method proves popular.

What I gain for helping you out is the opportunity to do Reality Checks regularly throughout the day as I will be heeding my own words to you.

All you need do is give me your first name, email address and cell number. I will keep all this data in the strictest confidence and share it with nobody.

I’m looking forward to this program and I’m quite confident that 5 eager Lucid Dream enthusiasts will sign up right away.

Be well,


15th July 2008, 06:18 AM
I had an “Ah-Ha” moment tonight. All this time I thought the Skype cost to send a text message was 0.009 cents each. I worked that out to be about a penny for each message. With 5 people participating and let’s say 5 messages per person per day, that would be a quarter a day. However, I just realized that it costs 0.090 per message. That’s a dime per message, times 5 people, times 5 text messages per day = $2.50 per day. That works out to $75 a month - and that ain’t gonna happen.

So, I have two people signed up and I’m calling the project FULL. I’ll experiment for a few weeks and post the results.

Don (my arithmetic sucks eh?)