View Full Version : About Steve Irwins Spirit

10th July 2008, 10:18 PM

I learnt about you through a web site that I go to on Yahoo. Allow me to introduce myself to you. My name is Donna and I reside in Van., B.C., Canada. I don't know where to start with this one. Since 1995 I have always felt a soul connection to the late Steve Irwin. Between 1995 and prior to his death I would dream about him at night several times a week. At first it appeared that I was only dreaming about him and nothing else. But the the dreams became more vivid and intense. Also he would tell me things that I could'nt have possibly known about him at the time only to find out later the information checked out. Like fore example in one of my dream encounters of him he told me he hurt all over! I only knew of his bunged up knees. Last year I read an article about Steves pain and how he kept that carefully garded from the public.
The moment he died the dreams of him stopped dead in their tracks. Days after his death I had two very strange dreams about him. One was where he told me that he didn't know who the the lady was with the big blue eyes. [Which is me.] Now I'm luck to dream of him once in a while.
Last year in the middle of the day it hit me like a bomb shell. There was something wrong with his spirit. It flashed before me. He's fustrated, in pain and desparate to comunicate with his wife and children. It hurts me to know this. Last month in one of my dreams of him he told me he didn't know he was dead.
What is going one here. I would like to know. Donna

[EDIT: Donna, please take note that Beekeeper has started a thread in "Down Under" in reply to your question. - Oliver]

Robert Bruce
13th January 2009, 09:43 AM

First off, I have a 5 day workshop in Vancouver coming up soon, in CoQuitlan. Check it out. I think we still have one or two places, if not we'll probably roll over into another. Its very low cost.

http://www.astraldynamics.com/vancouver ... index.html (http://www.astraldynamics.com/vancouver-sept-20th-23rd-2008-workshop/index.html)

I had an OBE experience with Steve a few weeks after his death.

In this, he did not know he was dead. He was wracked with grief and was suicidal. Meaning, he was frequently attempting suicide, hanging himself etc, but of course it never worked.

He was existing in a realm superimposed over his zoo.

I did my best to comfort him and to convince him that he was dead, and that he needed to let go and move on.

I am not aware of his state now. Lots of prayers for him will help.

One thing about the afterlife state it helps to keep in mind. Deceased persons have all the time they need, as long as necessary, to let go and to process their recent lives and then to move on when they are ready. So in that sense there is nothing to worry about.

Prayers help facilitate this process.

An amazing man, Steve. I saw a TV special with his wife awhile back. Steve was incredibly psychic and she recounted some of his experiences. Everyone just took this for granted, once they got to know him, and did not question him if he said 'we have to go there' as he was always right. He was also hyperactive and rarely slept more than 3 hrs a night.
