View Full Version : lucid dream or projection

9th July 2008, 04:24 AM
Was wondering if anyone had an answer for this one.
Ive started The MAP course (again, had a big break so im starting it again)
last night in my dream a little black african kid came and told me i wont need the suitcase i was hoolding where im going.

He took my hand and flew me off at a 45 degree angle. then i entered what could only be described as a surface skin and i became fully lucid,i did a few things like flying and talking to people (i wasnt in full control of what i was doing though)then eventually woke up.
it was so real so i wonderd if it actually was a projection or just a vivid dream

9th July 2008, 08:21 AM
If something is vivid and you attain a certain degree of lucidity, it is - surprise! - a "lucid dream". Lucid dreams are - according to author and consciousness explorer Kurt Leland - one of the many possibilites to have "adventures in consciousness". Lucid dreams can take you beyond the dream world into the realms you find by astral and mental projection, and so on. It is another "mechanism", another "technique", but it does not really yield another "result". Know what I mean?

If you feel this was "more than a dream", it is likely it was.

Take good care,

9th July 2008, 03:07 PM
I have to qualify this: If you knew you were in an altered state (that is, not waking reality) and thought at the time that you were dreaming or projecting, then it was a lucid experience.
Most people believe clarity means lucidity, and semantically they may be right- But (and it's a big one) in the context of dreaming research, a lucid dream is a dream in which you know you are dreaming.
Nothing more, nothing less.

10th July 2008, 04:16 AM
Cheers for the answers

If you feel this was "more than a dream", it is likely it was.

Only due to the fact of the difference of the "feel" of the surroundings.
It didnt "feel " like a dream compared to normal.

Most people believe clarity means lucidity, and semantically they may be right- But (and it's a big one) in the context of dreaming research, a lucid dream is a dream in which you know you are dreaming.

This is what was strange.
I knew i was dreaming when the kid took me in the air.
but once i passed that skin thing, it was a totally different reality.

I think i gotta just improve in both areas to know for sure.
it was an amazing experince though, watever it was. i wanna do it again :D