View Full Version : M.A.P. - Breaking Into Segments?

8th July 2008, 03:19 AM

I was wondering if it is possible to break the intense program of Mastering Astral Projection down into segments smaller than what they are already broken down into, so I may do one at a time at various times in my life when I can instead of going on a full-out 90 day program which I cannot do for quite some time. This would be much more easy for me, but will I still get the benefits from the program if I do this? Also, if it is possible to do this and still get the full benefits from the program, how shall I go about segmenting the program?

Thank you.

Robert Bruce
13th January 2009, 09:18 AM

yes, you can break this down and do it at your own pace.

But I suggest you keep some daily practices, even if its only saying an obe affirmation three times before sleep. This will help.

It is up to you how you break it down. One page at a time, or one chapter.

One chapter a time would probably be best.
