View Full Version : empty stage

7th July 2008, 10:05 AM
i dreamt i was looking at an empty stage. thats it. an empty wooden stage. nothing was going on. it was a fleeting dream. thats all i remember of the whole night of dreamland/sleepland but it was important somehow. any thoughts?

7th July 2008, 10:42 AM

To dream that you are on a stage, represents your behavior, manipulation of and relationships with others. It is telling of your interactions with society. There is a saying that goes, "All the world is your stage" and thus may refer to your desire to be the center of attention. Consider how your stage performance parallels a waking situation.(from: http://dreammoods.com/cgibin/searchcsv.pl?method=exact&header=dreamsymbol&search=stage)


To dream of emptiness, signifies fruitless labor or that something is missing in your life. There is nothing to show for all the effort that you have dedicated to a project or development. (from: http://dreammoods.com/cgibin/searchcsv.pl?method=exact&header=dreamsymbol&search=empty)

Does any of this have any meaning to you? What does an empty stage signify to you?


7th July 2008, 11:00 AM
yeh i figured it out now. i wern't on the stage, so to me i think it fits well that i'm at a 'stage',.. in my life that is empty(of knowledge). sounds about right.thanks korpo.

7th July 2008, 11:41 AM
yeh i figured it out now. i wern't on the stage, so to me i think it fits well that i'm at a 'stage',.. in my life that is empty(of knowledge). sounds about right.thanks korpo.

Thank yourself. You figured it out. :)

Why do you think you are empty of knowledge at this stage of life, if I may ask?


7th July 2008, 12:31 PM
well, korpo, i just don't know why i am empty of knowledge, but it feels normal. maybe the rosicrucians will fill me up :lol:

7th July 2008, 12:39 PM
well, korpo, i just don't know why i am empty of knowledge, but it feels normal. maybe the rosicrucians will fill me up :lol:

