View Full Version : A girl in my dream who I haven't seen for a while.

3rd July 2008, 04:28 AM
Out of nowhere a few days ago, a girl that I knew a loooooooooong time ago appeared in my dream, and was actually the main plot point if there is such a thing.

It was really weird. It's been years since I have seen this girl, and I really haven't thought of her at all since the last time I've seen her.

Is there some type of meaning, or did my mind just randomly throw some people into my dream? I'm definitely thinking about her now cause she was cool and it's a really unusual feeling when I look back on the dream.

It's probably nothing but I'm interested to hear anything.

3rd July 2008, 03:16 PM
Did anything happen during the day that made you think of something that could be related to her? One of those 'degrees of separation' things?

4th July 2008, 03:28 AM
No. She just appeared out of nowhere. When I woke up I was really surprised and didn't know where it came from.

Usually when I'm away from school, I will have lots of dreams that take place at high school and college or both, and that always made sense to me. But yeah, this was years ago.

She lives at the other end of the country and I will probably never see her again (I just don't see the scenario happening).

Anyway, this is what happened just incase it helps. Wait, it’s hard to remember, but here are some things that happened. I was on a bus and we kind of had a connection. It was her, my friend from college and me in the focus. Then towards the end of the dream she ended up being with my friend and I remember being pissed of about it all.

But it was only a dream and this person isn't relevant to my life, so it was kind of weird waking up thinking that I had lost something I never had, haha.

4th July 2008, 04:55 PM
Interesting. I don't have any ideas, other than something reminded you of her, or if we're going the metaphysical route, she thought about you and you 'caught' it.