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Mike Dooley
26th June 2008, 09:55 PM
Hello Robert,

I was wondering if you could share shed some light on a few things for me.

1. A couple of years back I had a conversation with this guy about Astral Projection. He kept telling me that in order to get to the Astral World once I was out, I had to find a tube. He said that these so-called tubes would take me to where I wanted to go.

2. He also told me this story about a Megatron. He said that it was this big machine that he used to talk to someone out in California. I thought Megatron was the silver guy from the Transformers.

Anything thing that you can speak of here would be helpful. Of course I should tell you that this guy was one of those Freemasons. He thinks that the whole world is a Masonic secret. It surprised me when he finally told me these things. It really shocked me, when he gave me a copy of Astral Dynamics to read.

I won't move your question to Robert, but I will answer it in 'Down Under' in a jiffy .-CF.
viewtopic.php?f=32&t=12312 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=12312)

Robert Bruce
13th January 2009, 09:15 AM

Tubes and vortexes play a part with OBE on certain levels. But at other levels these do not exist.

There are multiple ways to approach OBE and the astral, and this depends on what level you are working on.

Your friend may only project in one way, but it is wrong to think that everyone is the same in that respect. There are lots of variables to consider.

As for Megatron, yes, the silver guy.

I don't know what this is....its probably some device. But I would need more info to comment.
