View Full Version : Astral Spiders or Imagination??

25th June 2008, 11:55 PM
Hey everyone, i have a question about something i have been noticing for the past few monthes. This happens when im right about to fall a sleep and im in the hypnagogic state, im not sure what happens but for some reason i open my eyes and everytime im in this state and i open my eyes i see 1 spider crawling around for about 3-4 seconds until i begin to wake up more. At first it used to kind of freak me out and i thought it was a real spider but now im used to it and it doesnt scare me. Iv seen it up close to my face like a few inches away and far away on the other side of my room. It seems like its my imagination cause it disappears but i find it weird that im not thinking of spiders or anything like that but when i open my eyes when im in that state i always see it. I read somewhere that robert bruce said astral spiders are very bad so if it is astral spiders i dont want them around but im not really sure what it is. It hasnt caused me any harm so far. Any insight would be appreciated. Thx

26th June 2008, 02:19 PM
It depends on how it makes you feel. Negative entities take the form of spiders because most people are afraid of them- so it's about what they represent. However, if this spider is not scary, it may be trying to show you something. If you don't feel good about it do some countermeasures (like salt baths, prayer and shielding) but it it's not negative maybe there is something you need to pay attention to.

26th June 2008, 07:05 PM
I have been tryin 2 pay attention to everything around me when im going to sleep or trying to project. It seems like i can only go so far when i try to project. When i first started trying the first 2 days i had major vibrations in my head and chest but for some reason i cant get to that point any more. Iv been doin whats called the monroe method i found on youtube. I think i always fall asleep to soon or something. Its kinda hard to try to keep picturing images in your head and not fall a sleep i guess. practice makes perfect though so i still believe i can do it eventually.

26th June 2008, 07:56 PM
My understanding of phasing (what the 'updated' Monroe method is called) is not that you picture anything- it's that you let the pictures form and observe them impartially. There's a thread about it on the OBE research forums.

Its kinda hard to try to keep picturing images in your head and not fall a sleep i guess. practice makes perfect though so i still believe i can do it eventually.
Since you have over 20 posts, would you post a link to this?
Thanks, CF.