View Full Version : Dreams involving root area - *some may find post obscene*

18th June 2008, 12:21 PM

For the last month i've had a dream almost every day about defecating.
Sorry if this sounds vulgar, but I was wondering if this meant anything.

The first time it happened, I actually dreamt that suddenly, I had a prolapse.
I appreciate this is a horrible thing to type about, but I feel the need to share it, so please dont continue if you find this offensive...

Anyway, I suddenly had a large pain from my bottom area, and new I was having a prolapse. I have no fear or experience of this whatever, so the sensation and dream came completely out of the blue.

I was suddenly taken into a small surgery type area where there were two doctors. All the while I was leaning against the wall in this horrible pain... I say pain, perhaps thats the wrong word, just awkwardness, dull feeling and shear disbeleif of what was hapening. I was holding the insides that were dropping out trying to stop them from coming out... it was really a horrid dream.
The doctor said he would give me something to make me fall asleep so they could operate. I said to him that i'd rather stay awake during the operation (I dont like being put to sleep by medicine, it scares me).
So instead he gave me an injection that would dull the pain. He injected it into my neck, then one of the other doctors piped up something like "hey, you shouldnt give him that stuff, he could over-dose".
And the doctor replied something really strange, he said "well, lets put it this way.... 4 sausages in a sandwhich is pretty unecessary and not good for you, but it wont kill you" ... wise words I spose!

I then woke up because the sensations became too much, and I could feel my root chakra pulsing.

Now, ever since this dream, I have had dreams almost every day that I have to do a number 2, and actually do one in my dream (not in real life!). When I wake up, I have strong root chakra sensations (no physical need to do a number 2)

Has anyone experienced anything similar? Im wondering if this is due to an energy blockage in that area.....

Thanks, sorry if the post was a bit vulgar!

18th June 2008, 01:03 PM
By the strangest coincidence I was just listening to a radio program about clearing out clutter. I feel this is what your dream is telling you to do. Dreams about eliminating waste are about getting rid of something. That you physically felt the sensations in your dream does lead me to believe you have a block in your root chakra. The root chakra has to do with our basic needs; clothes, shelter, food. I get the sense that you put a lot of your attention into these areas, whether you have a lot or not, they consume your mind/energy. This will cause a block. I also get the sense that you have a bit of stuff in your home that you could do without. Get rid of it. I think if you clear out your physical environment this energy block will go away.

I believe your dream is telling you to clean out your space. It seems like a pretty straightforward message.

Good luck,

18th June 2008, 02:08 PM
I am big on food, it must be said :D

As for 'clearing out'... thats strange, because I had a massive urge today to clean the house out... which I have!
So that could very well have something to do with it

18th June 2008, 04:13 PM
I liked what Mishell had to say, and wanted to add one more thing that occurred to me when I read your post (which I didn't find offensive, I mean, come on, everyone poos, right? ;)).

The sudden prolapse sounds to me like "spilling your guts". It's an almost literal dream interpretation of the metaphor. I don't know if that's necessarily correct, but it struck me rather strongly when reading.

Otherwise, I agree with Mishell about getting rid of stuff, elimination of some of the cr*p you're carrying around inside you. That seems like a very obvious message to me.

I love how very eloquent the subconscious can be. :)

18th June 2008, 09:32 PM
I'm still laughing at the '4 sausages in a sandwich' bit.
I'm sorry I'm not being helpful- I think all the advice/interpretation was right on the money.

22nd June 2008, 05:28 PM
Thanks for your replies, I have since stopped dreaming of the pooping you'll be pleased to know!

As for the sausage sandwhich... that made me giggle as well!! (for the record, I would normally use two, both of which cut in half and opened, which normally suffice)

:D :D :D