View Full Version : Will lifelong possession fully recover?

17th June 2008, 05:43 AM
Dear Robert Bruce,

I'm contacting you after mutal friends, Dr. Shawn and Dr. Harriet T.........., whom you stayed with years ago in England offered your details. I've been struggling with my daughter not being quite right since birth. She is nearly 18 and living overseas as the situation at home could no longer support the constant kaos. I've recently asked for Harriet's professional opinion and Borderline Personality Disorder was suggested. I've pursued many 3D avenues over the years with little help. I've also equally pursued many alternative paths. The one reacurring statement from Alissa is "Alissa not here anymore". What to do.....so I 've been brought to you. Hopefully you can shed some light. Many thanx Fran

Robert Bruce
17th June 2008, 05:38 PM

Please give my regards to Shawn and Harriet. I have fond memories of my stay with them.

I think I can help here. The only issues being, what do I have to work with, and how much control do you have over the situation. Ideally, a case like this is best handled in a clinical or controlled situation, to apply the appropriate countermeasures.

I have made significant progress in this area over the past year and will do what I can to help.

Please email me at workshops@astraldynamics.com and I'll have this fwd'd to me, and we can then discuss this in private.
