View Full Version : Pulling down

15th June 2008, 06:45 PM
I was taking a nap on my couins bed an to help me fall asleep quicker i was using the falling method to get into a trance.
I ended up falling asleep and woke up about 10 min later. I opened my eyes an then shut them again to try an take a onger nap. Every time i shut them i could feel myslef being pulled down like into the bed. it was very strong.

ne ideas?


Aunt Clair
22nd June 2008, 03:06 AM
I was taking a nap on my couins bed an to help me fall asleep quicker i was using the falling method to get into a trance.
I ended up falling asleep and woke up about 10 min later. I opened my eyes an then shut them again to try an take a onger nap. Every time i shut them i could feel myslef being pulled down like into the bed. it was very strong.

ne ideas?

I am sorry to hear this , I would suggest that you avoid sleeping in that bed again , when in a home and this occurs the bathroom is usually a refuge of clean spiritual energy . Also turning on the lights and using a fan or low radio volume to reduce neg influence .

Sinkng through the bed is a form of projection that occurs when the vibration becomes lowered or negative . This can occur because the :
* bed had negative energy in it , for example , this has been known to occur if sexual abuse occurred in the bed
* person who normally used it is negative, ie they have a negative attachment ,suffer depression , anxiety
* an attachment is linked to the bed , for example , this can occur when a succubus , incubus has been invited nightly
* a neg attack has occurred , a demon or neg human spirit could cause this to occur

I would spiritually cleanse the bed , the home , and self and then send healing to the cousin . I have had these when using hotel beds and when I visited also . There are helps in the free tutorials here at AD concenering cleansing and healing .

But on a positive note , if you dreamed of angels leading you through tunnels of qlippoth realms or animal totemic wisdoms , this projection could have been to the lower planes for dreamstate lessons. The magician needs to learn about the dark too and does in the Tree of Death in tunnels of Seth , Qlippoth Realms , and examination of the negative ego .

If you examine your dreams and your emotions during and after the sinking , you can discern if the sinking was for a deprivation of your energy in negative influence and attack OR for dreamstate lessons by angels about the dark side .These lessons occur to teach us to transmute our own negative ego and also concern lessons about exorcism , justice and karma .

23rd June 2008, 10:59 AM
IIRC, sinking is CFTraveller's typical form of getting out. I don't think it's bad.

See here: search.php?keywords=sinking&terms=all&author=CFT*&sc=1&sf=all&sk=t&sd=d&sr=posts&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/search.php?keywords=sinking&terms=all&author=CFT*&sc=1&sf=all&sk=t&sd=d&sr=posts&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search)

(If this link does not work, use the Search function with CF's user name and "sinking" as search term.)


23rd June 2008, 09:16 PM
O. But i was laying on my stomach so wouldnt that be like a normal projection?


23rd June 2008, 09:26 PM
IIRC, sinking is CFTraveller's typical form of getting out. I don't think it's bad.

See here: search.php?keywords=sinking&terms=all&author=CFT*&sc=1&sf=all&sk=t&sd=d&sr=posts&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/search.php?keywords=sinking&terms=all&author=CFT*&sc=1&sf=all&sk=t&sd=d&sr=posts&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search)

(If this link does not work, use the Search function with CF's user name and "sinking" as search term.)

Oliver To clarify it was someone else I was quoting. The one or two times I've descended it was very unpleasant.
Please note that in this instance 'negative' means 'heavy' earth, not 'bad', unless there are other things happening at the time.

I would think that if you were lying on your stomach sinking would be going 'up', or am I misunderstanding?

In my experience I have visited the 'lower' realms, but it wasn't a negative thing, it was a 'shedding' or 'lightening' I had to have to be able to go to the next level, so to speak.
If you were projecting in someone else's space (couch or sofa), then there is no telling what kind of influences there are- is the household harmonious?

23rd June 2008, 09:34 PM
Reading the original post again, I have to add that one time I was camping and tried to project, went into trance and when I tried to rise I found I was stuck to the ground. On top of that I could see outside (through the tent) and could see a few of the night critters that were by the tent. (A racoon, a few other night rodents, etc.) What I felt was that the earth had such a powerful pull because it was a 'place of power', and I could feel the power coming from all the natural elements around and below me.
I felt a bit unnerved because I could see my husband's projected double, and it wasn't a negative experience- on the contrary, I was awed by nature's raw power- but it made me feel a bit 'not powerful'. So I can see how sometimes experiences like these can be construed as negative.
I don't know why this post reminded me of this experience, but that is why I'm sharing it at this moment.

Aunt Clair
10th August 2008, 12:45 PM
I agree and I see a distinction . I have sat in a chair in trance in circle and fallen through the male kanda which is at the base of the spine . A group of us did this spontaneously in a series of lessons . We found ourselves in wondrous realms having lessons underwater and in the qlippoth realms without any harm to us . But Robert has written about another sort of falling . I have experienced that one too . I was on someone else's mattress and I had a horrible presence come over me . It stank and sucked my energy from my heart and my head . It had large gray green brown bat shaped wings and it left a bruise upon me that was visible the next day . It pulled me through the matttress out of my body and the voyage was disgusting and frightening . Robert taught me it was a demonic attack and that the mattress and the room needed to be cleared . Do you see the distinction I am making ? In one case a delightful series of lessons with angels and in the other a horrific parasitic attack by a demon but both were projections under the body .