View Full Version : Kundalini and a blown chakra

15th June 2008, 02:06 PM
Dear Robert,

About three years ago I was able to use the guide in Astral Dynamics to have 3 successful OBE. One day while sitting in a recliner, I was enjoying the feeling of energy moving throughout my body when, all of a sudden, I could see gray clouds forming in my minds eye. After looking at the clouds for a few seconds the suddenly parted and I saw an image of a cross (the Christian kind), then the turned red, was jewel encrusted, and a surge of energy ZAPPED me. It felt like I had touched a power line. Though my eyes were closed, I could feel my body shaking violently! I was startled, to so the least, so I opened my eyes and my body was perfectly still, though I still felt the sensation of high voltage running from head to toe. This lasted for about 10 to 15 mins. Once it was over with, I got up and took a look at my self in the mirror. My face was bright red like I'd been sunburned, though there was no pain whatsoever. The following days were filled with buzzing in my ears, everyone had a halo and a white glow around them. When I would look at my arms, red streaks would instantly form at my wrists and begin to run up to my neck. The energy I was holding on to became too much to handle, so a friend suggested and taught me how to ground the energy in the Earth. This I did with much success, however one day, about two weeks after the event, I was grounding while driving in a car and I must have either been "forcing" the ground "too hard", and/or grounding from the wrong chakra, because something went very wrong. I could feel a tremendous amount of energy building up around my lower back and suddenly, on the lower left side of my back, I felt something "snap" and jets of energy were shooting out of that area.

Life has been a disaster ever since.

I still have loads of that original energy flowing thru my body, though now in completely avoids my lower left back. It is not painful, but very very uncomfortable. Sometimes the energy gets to jumbled up it will push and pull my body around. I have several "dead zones" in my body and my left arm and leg often go numb. I have not been able to meditate, I walk with what often looks like a limp, I am short tempered. And am beginning to lose hope for a cure.

So far I've seen a chiropractor (negative for any physical injury). Had severl Reiki treatments. Massage. Had my chakras balanced. Dieted. Prayed... Consulted people that practice/teach kundalini yoda. I am getting very depressed.

Please, I beg you, can you help? Even if I were to find out that there is no solution, that would help too. Three years is too long to live like this.

Your very respectivly,

D. Allen
Bangkok, Thailand (via USA)

P.s. at this point I am willing to travel nearly anywhere to treat this problem

Robert Bruce
13th January 2009, 08:50 AM

Sorry to hear you are energetically troubled.

you appear to have had a kundalini awakening.

the symptoms that can be experienced vary greatly, but are recognizable.

you'll find a lot of information on this at the following website


As for advice...

Stop all energy work, and even stop meditation if this causes problems.

Focus on your physical body and life.

Physical fitness helps a great deal.

A raw food organic diet will help a great deal. http://www.welikeitraw.com is a good start.

Regular exercise helps.

Bodywork helps, inc. massage, acupuncture, osteopathy, etc, etc.

Use verbal affirmations extensively.

Also use silent affirmations as you are falling asleep and while meditating.

Affirmations are your most powerful tool. They work directly on your higher self and Source.

EG, 'my body is perfect' 'my energy body is perfect' 'I am happy and relaxed' positive present tense active affirmations designed to reflect that your body and energy body is already perfectly healthy and balanced.

The hardest part about using affirmations successfully is getting people to do them. If they are done, and enough time and energy put into the process of self healing with affirmations, they will work.

I have a 5 day workshop coming up soon in Vancouver, Canada. But that's all I have planned for the moment.

http://www.astraldynamics.com/vancouver ... index.html (http://www.astraldynamics.com/vancouver-sept-20th-23rd-2008-workshop/index.html)

You can email me at workshops @ astraldynamics.com
