View Full Version : 30min for NEW session, tips for making it shorter?

11th June 2008, 11:13 PM
When I do the NEW exercises it usually takes 30 minutes for a full leg stimulation, the last 5-10 minutes I do energy raising (from toes through body and up to head and down to the naval storage area)

Is there a way to shorten this, can I do energy raising before any stimulation, or is a little stimulation needed, I tried imagening energy balls going through me but I have better luck with brushstrokes.

Any tips for making it shorter?


12th June 2008, 02:04 AM
If you can achieve stimulation at another time in which you get sensation, that is, you are successful at moving energy, I would say you can just do 'light stimulation' (say 5 minutes on each legs or splitting awareness on both) before raising energy. But I do prefer you prestimulate legs before doing the raising, and not the opposite.
This is because the idea of raising is to get the energy through the legs and up to your head (etc. etc.)- stimulating legs after raising is counterproductive, really.
And also remember prestimulation is not as intensive as out and out stimulation, since the idea is to get the energy to start flowing, and nothing more, in the case of prestimulation for energy raising. (full-body circuit).