View Full Version : Q: OBE's Spiritual Ramifications

9th June 2008, 08:29 PM
I have a serious question for some of you experienced OBE'ers. First of all, I have tried acheiving an OBE using several techniques including binaural beats. I haven't had one yet by the way, but that's not why I'm here today. My question(s)... what are the spiritual ramifications for trying to manipulate these forces? Does God really want us flirting around in a place obviously not meant for the physical? I mean we are here in physical form for a reason. I have heard that entities in the spirit world are drawn to the energy of an OBE. Many people have underestimated and misused items such as a ouiji board which have opened the door for demonic entities to invade their life and their families, is their any instances where this has occured with OBE's? My only goal for an OBE (or anything I try)is insight, understanding and clarity about who I am as a spirit and how I can become a better person in this life. Am I barking up the wrong tree trying to acheive an OBE?
I am a beginner and would like any info or advice toward my goal of enlightenment. I just don't want to piss off God when I only want to be closer to him.
Thank you.

9th June 2008, 09:54 PM
I have a serious question for some of you experienced OBE'ers. First of all, I have tried acheiving an OBE using several techniques including binaural beats. I haven't had one yet by the way, but that's not why I'm here today. My question(s)... what are the spiritual ramifications for trying to manipulate these forces? Hi redcard. Hmm, I see some preconceived notions in your post, and will try to address them as I find them. Firstly, what forces do you think you're manipulating? Binaural beats do the same thing deep relaxation do, nothing else. When you relax deeply you get to the brain frequency optimum for the experience of trance, and OBE happens when you're in trance, whether you're awake for it or not.

Does God really want us flirting around in a place obviously not meant for the physical? That's the point- the astral is not supposed to be the physical. We're already there, as we inhabit more than one realm, we only get to experience one at the same time. So when we OBE we experience the nonphysical. So I'm not sure what you're trying to ask with this.

I mean we are here in physical form for a reason. Exactly- to experience and to learn. And the astral is something we can experience. And learn from. Unless you have a different reason to be here, I'm not sure what that would be.

I have heard that entities in the spirit world are drawn to the energy of an OBE. Yes, usually from people who have never had a conscious OBE and don't know what they're talking about. I'm sorry but this is true.

Many people have underestimated and misused items such as a ouiji board which have opened the door for demonic entities to invade their life and their families, is their any instances where this has occured with OBE's? That's a hard question because there's no real answer for it. The ouija board is something that is used as a gateway for communication by people who are not ready or do not know what they are doing. They enter into contracts unwittingly with negative entities by their innocent (or naive) willingness to 'open themselves up' to being possessed or invoking entities (which is the same thing) and that causes trouble, but the OBE is a whole different matter.
The out of body experience is the experience of being outside the body. However, the OBEr doesn't completely exit the body, they extend their consciousness to receive information from a world they already inhabit. It's like swimming in a pool full of sharks, goldfish and other swimmers, and only having eyes that can see the water and the other swimmers, but not the sharks and goldfish- then someone tells them of these special goggles that they can use and suddenly, they can see the sharks and the goldfish- The thing is that they have already been swimming in the pool- without the benefit of the goggles.
I'll give you another example- most people who successfully practice OBE, do it because they have spontaneously found themselves out, and have had enough experiences to want to do it on purpose. Something that happens naturally-well, happens naturally.
It is true that sometimes there are negative experiences associated with any 'unveiling' phenomenon, such as OBE or any of the clair-senses- but it has been the experience of most of the people that I know that the negative experiences happened when the people involved were not interested in any type of spiritual practices, and those negative experiences are what prompted us to investigate further, and try to solve our experiences. So it's not that you attract them when you start to notice them- it's that you start to notice them, period.
The shark in the pool situation applies here too.

My only goal for an OBE (or anything I try)is insight, understanding and clarity about who I am as a spirit and how I can become a better person in this life. Am I barking up the wrong tree trying to acheive an OBE? Only if you think you are. And it sounds like there is fear in your makeup, and that can be a problem.

I am a beginner and would like any info or advice toward my goal of enlightenment. I just don't want to piss off God when I only want to be closer to him.
Thank you. I'm not sure what kind of God you believe in when you think that exploring nature will somehow piss 'him' off, but that's your own perception, I suppose.

10th June 2008, 07:42 PM
OBE can be a tool for spiritual insight and development, if you set your intent so. It does not become so of its own, your intent is important for that. Authors like Robert Monroe or Kurt Leland confirm that.


11th June 2008, 11:49 AM
Fear is an obstacle to enlightenment too, and how do you think you could piss off god? You gonna poke him in the eye? Heh!

11th June 2008, 01:23 PM
how do you think you could piss off god? You gonna poke him in the eye?

14th June 2008, 12:53 PM
If you say something to an angel directly against its nature you can piss it off. But wanting to explore yourself and life in all its posibilities is nothing but inspiring. No god would hold that from you.

23rd June 2008, 09:38 PM
Go with the flow of life...I like that. Thank you all for your input.

24th June 2008, 03:08 AM
It's like swimming in a pool full of sharks, goldfish and other swimmers, and only having eyes that can see the water and the other swimmers, but not the sharks and goldfish- then someone tells them of these special goggles that they can use and suddenly, they can see the sharks and the goldfish- The thing is that they have already been swimming in the pool- without the benefit of the goggles.

On a side note, that's a really good analogy CF. I think I'm going to adopt that one when doing explanations -- :)