View Full Version : Nuclear strike and clean up

6th June 2008, 10:11 PM
I just want to share a "dream" i had last night.

I watched a nuclear strike from a vantage point of above, and it was massive and killed many people in some large cities in a massive metropoliltan area, then the military when in and "groomed" the area and cleaned up all of the radiation, etc., in merely a couple days, then moved people back into the area.

6th June 2008, 11:10 PM
:shock: And people went back?
But seriously, I had some 'war' dreams on 1997-8 before all this war stuff happened- so nothing really surprises me.

Mike Dooley
26th June 2008, 07:42 AM
I have experienced nuclear war dreams 3 times in my Life. I can say that those were some of the most Lucid and Surreal dreams that I've ever had.

26th June 2008, 05:46 PM
I had a dream similar on Tuesday night. I've had disaster dreams in the past. I dreamed and recorded prior to of 9/11. Many people dream of disasters. Some are only posibilities, some come true and some are just symbolic. But over 10,000 people dreamed of parts of 9/11 prior to the event and recorded prior to the tragedy. They said because there was such a strong emotion on the horizon that so many people psychically felt it.

The dream I had, I believe is a possible precognitive dream - not symbolic.

I dreamed of a huge war. Some chemical or toxin was released during the explosions in this war. Some buildings, streets, cars and people were completely destroyed - just "dust" left.

There were green "dust" everywhwere. I felt that the green was the toxic chemical or a chemical reaction from an explosion.

It was chaos. People would huddle in parts of buildings that were still standing. The season must have been different than summer because people were fighting over blankets. It was cold at night - chilling and eery. There was no snow.

I saw my family and I walking in the rubble - trying to find safety, clothing, blankets, food.

I do see myself in these dreams even though I really may not experience the disaster in physical life. But I feel that the place that I was walking was a place to get snow - yet no snow - so felt like fall.

26th June 2008, 07:59 PM
Well, I certainly hope this was a visit to a possible future, not a certain one. *crosses fingers*

Mike Dooley
26th June 2008, 09:16 PM
http://mikedooley.blogspot.com/2008/06/ ... phecy.html (http://mikedooley.blogspot.com/2008/06/indigenous-native-american-prophecy.html)

I have this video posted in my blog, and based on which way this topic is going, I figured that I would share it.

2nd July 2008, 12:31 AM
From everything I've observed: Spirits can setup a 'model situation' in the astral, and this model will manifest in the physical if it's allowed to. Whether or not it manifests depends on how well physical reality can handle it. If, for example, we eradicate the people who would commit this nuclear strike, the model from Sleeper's dream won't be able to take place; but if not, the physical will bend around this model and the whole thing will take place as presented.

I haven't completely figured out how this works because I only recently heard about it. Zetans have learned to create physical objects out of the astral, using astral tools to design new life forms. It just seems natural that the astral is also being used to setup situations.

Because humans are mostly physical, we have sheer force on our side. An astral being can bend our reality, but we have the strongest and most immediate control over that reality. You hear about people who dream of a plane crash, so they refuse to get on a plane the next morning, and sure enough it crashes without them. To an extent, they defied the model (even if they couldn't stop the plane from crashing).

BUT you have to imagine how many people have dreamt of a plane crash and got on the plane anyway, subsequently dying in the crash. Astral beings can really wreak some havoc if you let their situations come true.

2nd July 2008, 02:30 PM
You forget that humans are astral beings also, and that what we think of also manifests in the astral. That is why we meditate and pray. So even though we can manipulate matter to not conform to another being's potential model, we can also create a potential model of our own to counteract the one with malicious intent.
All we have to do is learn to manifest and know we can do it.
That's why all psychics and magicians and people that are into spirituality know that we are the most powerful creatures of all.

2nd July 2008, 03:25 PM
We could probably learn some neat tricks from Grey-types. While there are plenty of human-types who know how to manifest between the astral and physical, they mostly keep it a secret and use it to conquer people. Grey-types, in my experience, have been forthcoming with any information I've wanted, and are very easy to contact. They say there's something about plasma that can solidify astral material