View Full Version : INDIANA JONES

Neil Templar
4th June 2008, 08:23 PM
okay,a wierd one this morning.

i don't remember the beginning.
at first i WAS indiana jones.running thru the jungle,with the usual Indiana Jones stuff happening - natives chasing me,swinging on vines etc. that was all good and fun,just a "normal" action filled dream,not scary or anything,just alot of fun. :D

then at one point,my viewpoint changed,split in two.
i was Indi,AND an observer.
He/we came across a building in the jungle,with large windows,none of which had any glass in them.
As we approached the building,we saw inside,some British policemen,wearing the old style "bobby" helmets,you know,the rounded ones,like they used to wear back in the eighties or whenever..

It seemed that inside the building,and out the other side,was a different time period and place.it lookied like a typical British city thru the windows on the other side..

anyway,the policemen saw us,and started to head towards the windows..
We ran back into the jungle,escaping them. I don't even think they came into the jungle to follow us.
We jumped into a hollow in the ground,which had an old red brick wall at one end of it.
Indi reached up to the top of the wall,put his/my hand over the top and pulled down a flask,containing liquid,which he drank.
I/we looked up and realised that there was a dead guy lying there too (with classic Indiana Jones dead guy died sreaming look on his face! :lol: )

at this point something started to happen to Indi.
He/i began to transform.
when i looked at his hands,they had turned a greyish/green colour,and were morphing,with fingers appearing and disappearing very quickly.
one moment there were 5 fingers,then 7,then 6,then they looked like alien fingers,long and sticklike.this was continuous..
when i looked at his face - he was breathing hard and quickly,like he was trying to control whatever "poison" was affecting him.his face was also greyish/green,and was morphing from human to alien looking.

now the wierd bit was that when i looked at his face,it was from a viewpoint of a metre away,but when i looked at the hands,it was from his viewpoint. :shock:
this switching of views happened a few times,my view/his view/my view....

also, at the point where the transformation started to happen,everything went super-real,like computer animated graphics or something,almost more real than real,if that makes any sense.

also, even tho this was quite bizarre to behold, it wasn't worrying at any time.
even tho the Indi character was having to breathe real hard to remain in control, it always felt like he wasn't concerned that he would actually loose control.
it was like he knew exactly what to do.